Creating Stillness | Starcana Weekly Astrology | September Tarot Horoscope

Creating Stillness | Starcana Weekly Astrology | September Tarot Horoscope

Hi there friend, it's nice to be back and sharing my creative insights with you. Over the last few weeks, I took some time away from my blog, for some much needed time for me. It's no secret that I love to work, and I especially love my work; helping to guide others... whether it's through professional consultations, or my free weekly writings. But the truth is, I do tend to struggle and get overwhelmed, since writing doesn't happen naturally for me. I'm pretty sure that my unpolished writing skills have communicated this lol. But I often imagine that my cosmic articles are intertwined with a sense of warped craft, because of the many levels of insight and lessons that have been revealed, unraveled and processed. ::sigh:: But I still love being creative, sharing and helping others.

Anyway, to help take better care of me, I took a week vacation away from my blog - but that time continued to linger a little longer than expected. In short, what should've been rest and relaxation, turned into some unexpected surprises and strange time travel - as a few estranged relationships (when Pluto transited Sagittarius) re-entered back into my life. As you might imagine (or witnessed throughout my scrambled writings), I (like many of you) experienced deep depths of pain and suffering from rejection, abandonment and loss. Yet I continued to work through it, by choosing to help others. I choose love. And I thank the Gods every day for having my back, and for giving me my strength, my husband and son, my sunny nature, my need for higher truth, and for the divine work that I do - because it ALL kept me afloat and in a good, safe place. I am so grateful for the blessings that have returned in my life. The good and the 'not so good' are powerfully beautiful, when you're willing to learn and trust the work of the cosmos. It's just a lot to absorb in a few weeks, so not blogging was perfect timing for me - because I'm learning to work under a new sense of confusion lol. 

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.

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Enough about me - because under the analytical Virgo Moon on Sunday September 9, it's time to get back to the details of our work; so that we may share what we've been doing and learning, for self-improvement - but more importantly to be of better service to others. Use quality time to sit in your stillness, to reflect on what you've been building during the last few weeks. Take inventory of your experiences. Come clean with it. Remove the overgrowth. Reorganize to regroup under the gravitational pull of this healing, earthy moon.

In knowing what we don't want, we can better understand what we need. The details in our thoughts are becoming wishes, fantasies and a huge chunk of the world that we're busy living in. These dreams are the humble ingredients of our New Moon blessings, as we continue to plant seeds of intention into the universe. May we all garden well.

Power is the ability to do good things for others. Brooke Astor

Under these grounded vibrations of the Virgo New Moon, Venus has left the harmonious house of Libra, for the intense realm of Scorpio on Sunday, September 9. In the weeks ahead, we'll have the opportunity to attract and achieve our sensual desires and most secretive indulgences. This of course can have the potential of being quite satisfying, or dangerous. Be careful of what you wish for. Or question the deep depths of incoming messages - as we summon for our magick and bottled potions - to tempt and gain control. Values, relationships and money may be seduce or sacrificed, to quench an appetite for power and mastery.

We live in a world of things, and our only connection with them is that we know how to manipulate or to consume them. Erich Fromm

As Mars enters heavenly Aquarius on Monday September 10, we'll be ready for making necessary changes and doing things much differently in the weeks ahead. If we reflect on the 'in and outs' of where we are currently in our journey, and where we hope to rise - tall, fearless winds will lift us onto new heights and unimaginable potentials. Take a stand for your authenticity, then spread your wings, so that your heart can lead the way with an optimistic Sun/Jupiter sextile, transformative Sun/Pluto trine on Tuesday September 11, and Jupiter/Pluto sextile on Wednesday September 12.

To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. Leo F. Buscaglia

An unexpected shift changes direction under a finicky Venus/Uranus opposition on Wednesday September 12, but if we're following our heart and doing the work, we could be pleasantly surprised with the results with the rewarding Venus/Saturn sextile later that evening. But still try to utilize your stillness this week and stay aware, as people and situations may not be as they appear under the foggy Mercury/Neptune opposition on Thursday September 13.

Starcana Weekly Tarot: Questioning our fear of heights [Hermit/NineSwords].

Thank you for welcoming me into your world. I appreciate you, your kind comments, messages and support - which inspires me to do what I do best - which is to 'keep on keeping on'. New Moon Blessings! Stay peaceful & shine on, Suzi ❤️ 

Personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance are available with Suzi Dronzek, by phone & email. Hours: Mon-Fri 10a-6pm EST, and Evenings til 8pm on Mon & Tues. at: 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. | I'm Social! Facebook | Facebook Page Twitter LinkedIn | Support My Writings


September 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscopes is a monthly 'one tarot card' horoscope. I share some basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual sun sign. For insight that is more personalized and detailed, I'm available for a 'one-on-one' private consultation birthday readings. Or try my ‘three card’ tarot spread for something a little more insight:

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.


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Monthly Tarotscopes, A Monthly Tarot Horoscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot ForecastsARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Ten of Cups: Joy. Looking for a reason to celebrate. Faith is restored. Triumph. Love. Tears of triumph. True friendship. Contentment. Loved ones rock. Tender moments enjoyed. Money can't buy love. Home is where the heart is. Spirituality. True wisdom. Balanced energy. Reflections of kindness. Dancing beneath the waterfall. Dreams are fulfilled. Positive feelings. Adding color to life. Peace and comfort. Love thy neighbor. Good surroundings. Family circle sealed. End to a long cycle. Showered in affection. Emotional bliss. A wish is granted. Happiness. A rainbow after the storm. Togetherness. Enjoying the simple things. Sweet endearments. Radiant light flows.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Nine of Pentacles:  Accomplishment. Independence. Finances improve. Life blooms. Entrepreneur. Material comfort. A flourishing business. An inner sense of security. Solitary achievements. Positive earnings. Feeling very sure of yourself.  Security. Gifts. Nature lover. Femininity. Refinement. Gratitude. Safety. Material comfort. Winnings. Wishes come true. Aware you are successful. Effort pays off. Enjoying the pleasures of life. Financial security. Capable of taking care of yourself. Surrounded by beauty. Sensitive and comfortable with solitude. Calmness. Being resourceful. A dream with hard work pays off. You realize the world that you have created. Indulging into your success. Spiritual sound. A strong ability to control our feelings. Standing for integrity. Being responsible for your own actions. Self-reliance. Stay down to earth. Trusting our skills. Self-discipline. Being on top of the world, can be lonely at the top - but we don't seem to mind much. Act on your own.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Queen of Cups: Inner guidance. Serenity is near. Motherly advice. Attracting sincerity. Calmness. Reaching out to another. A helping hand. Listen to your heart. Dreaming of a better way. Trusting loyalty. Solutions for love. Dedication. Love is all you need. Stillness in required. Romance. Gentle self-cleansing. Logic serves no purpose. Embracing sexuality. Wholeness. Healing. Caring. Disappearing in sleep and mediation. Heart on a sleeve. Scars mend. Inner movement on firm ground. Natural alternatives. Receiving a better understanding. Be vulnerable.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Ace of Pentacles: A blessing is received. Spiritual work. New work. Bliss. The real thing. What is touched, turns to gold. Finances improve. Confidence returns. An investment makes a good return. Building character. A wonderful gift arrives. Prosperity. Finding true value. Change in your pocket comes in handy. Something or someone returns. Perfection. Material goodness. It's in our favor. Good planning pays off. Proof is in the hand.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other's back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Two of Swords: Peacemaking choices. Silence is golden. Aware of brewing storm. Inner peace. Withdrawing from issues. It's nothing personal, just business. Making the best of a situation. Harmony. Power of the mind. Foresee flaws. Stalemate. Kind acts. Decency. Relaxed attitude. Wearing a poker face. Courteous manners. Bite the tongue on personal views. Remain polite. Opinion-less. Remain tactful to maintain decent relations. Holding onto distance. Healthy boundaries. Head and heart balance. A handshake.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Five of Pentacles: Something shifts. Miserly. Grasping for crumbs. Shattered. Material struggle. Poverty stricken. Financial loss. Loneliness. Misfortune. Disorderly conduct. Singled out. loss of work. Respect went out the window. Left out in the cold. Spiritually challenged. Hard truth about where you stand. Personal power is challenged. Withdrawing to prioritize. Lack of peace. Searching for a needle in a haystack. Impoverishment. Cosmic consequence. A door closes. Error. Personal development requires courage to get back up. Insecurities rise. Failure. Life is hard.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Three of Pentacles: Creativity. Planning. Craftsmanship. Financial opportunity. Professional growth. Profitable hobby. Maintaining goals. Artistic ability. Natural success from talent. Recognition due. Gifted effort. Things come together. Skills. Answering our calling. Niche. Abilities rewarded. Business opportunities. Communicating something powerful. Words make sense. Proving that you mean business. Achievement. Writing flows beautifully. Spiritual growth. Rank improves. Step up to seniority. Climbing the ladder. Power increases. Wise strategy. Crafting the home business. Dependent on self-approval. Designing the perfect setting. Material gain. Getting together with like-minded people. Grounded. Having the know-how to structure a masterpiece. Aware of time.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Six of Wands:  Achieving goals. Success comes your way. Triumph over difficulties. Hard work pays off. Blessings rain upon you. Glory and gain are yours. It's a beautiful day. The sun shines on you. Confidence is repaired. Health heals. A reason to smile. Utilizing energy wisely. Laughing at troubles. Nothing stops you. Sharing the fruits of work well done. Transforming negative, into positive. Image improves. Admiration and self-respect. What you touch, seems to turn to gold.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Ace of Swords: Clarity. Completely fresh. Change of mind. New light. Clear communications. Integrity. Vision. Honesty. Information. A hero. It is what it is. The champ. Answers. Taking the lead. Truth shall set you free. Honor. Seed of intention. Decisions based on what is known. Data delivered. Healing. Step toward victory. The birth of an idea. Power. A new beginning. Reachable goal. Head over heart. Ready for the test. A light turns on. Potential is available. Stronger than before.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: The Sun: Renewal of spirit. Joy returns. The answer is yes. Our inner light shines. We have control over our lives. Golden opportunities. Willpower to walk through life. Accomplishment. You find the pot of gold. Improvement in health. Successful rewards. Material happiness. What we have wanted, comes true. A happy marriage. A good partnership. Clear vision of where we are going. Attainment of your dreams. Playfulness is delivered. Pleasure of life returns. Seeing the good in things. Everything you touch turns to gold. Optimism. Believing in ourself, others, and in miracles. Bright ideas. Naive happiness. We accept the truth. Wisdom. Completely content and satisfied. No clouds are going to get in the way. A start of a clean slate. You reach your goal. You win the finish line. Blessings of wealth. You are free.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight:  Two of Pentacles: Duties. Responsibilities. Being Practical. Main Balance. Submitting to Work. Keeping the nose to the grindstone. Distractions can lead off-course. Playing by the rules. Focused. Determination. Financial promise. Every action has a reaction. Multi-tasking. Looking for a return. Work hard, Play hard. Wobbliness. Learning skills.


Shift Happens | Astrology Horoscope


Dealing With it | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Astrology Tarot Horoscope