Dissolve to Evolve

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogSun (ego, identity) will participate in the stormy Saturn/Pluto conjunction on Monday January 13, while Venus (values, love, money) exits from freedom-seeking Aquarius and dives into the sympathetic waters of Pisces. As Venus transits Pisces for the next four weeks, we’ll release and end what is causing suffering. As we let go of it all, we'll evaporate and flow; blending into transcendental waters - where serenity, dreams and deep healing occur. Sensitivity will heighten, encouraging consideration and compassionate; which will attract kindness, compromise, forgiveness and acceptance.

I'll stop the world and melt with you. Modern English

As we practice the art of love toward others, we should remember to include ourselves with just as much tenderness and care. This will be especially true, for those who have experienced their world being jolted in the past few weeks, from the chaotic disruptions of the eclipse season.

It is by suffering that human beings become angels. Victor Hugo

weekly tarot cards for weekly tarot messageMercury will exit from conservative Capricorn on Thursday January 16, and move into scientific Aquarius for the next three weeks. Our thoughts, communications and short journeys will be scattered, unpredictable and moving at lightning speed during Mercury in Aquarius. If we’re willing to adjust our wings, raise our awareness and personal frequency - we could find a way to free ourselves from current limitations - during this highly creative and problem-solving cycle.

Any breakdown is a breakthrough. Marshall McLuhan

If we’re not busy brainstorming, reaching for fresh ideas, searching for truth or inventing new ways... this electrical vibration could stimulate worry, agitation, anxiety and/or insomnia - especially with an unstable Mercury/Uranus square on Saturday January 18. Fickleness and unpredicted changes will interfere in communications, technology, heavy machinery and the weather. It's wise to expect the unexpected. And to breathe. Starcana tarot message for this week: We’ll need more than good intentions to get this party started. [QueenWands/SixWandsRx]. For additional insight, check out the January tarotscope and your 2020 tarot card! Peace. ~Suzi

Intuitive readings, personalized advice and soulful guidance are available by phone and email. Call my business number at 724-832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com. 18+ Entertainment Only.

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 Image Credit: Starcana, Inc with © Hanson Roberts Tarot, Publisher U.S. Games


Rising Above The Chaos


Change Is Inevitable, Growth Is Optional