Where we've been investing our energy will begin to slow down considerably, or possibly come to a complete pause under the next four-and-a-half months as Taskmaster Saturn stations retrograde on Monday April 29. As insecurities, responsibilities and fears start to rise beneath Big Boss Saturn, we can either renegotiate, restructure, and rebuild... or re-experience a karmic pattern. Monday's surrendering Pisces Moon will encourage us to reflect and perhaps accept where we are in our current journey. This really isn't a negative thing - especiall with the transformative Pluto retrograde - if we're willing to release historic occurrences that have suffocated us in a never-ending cycle.

Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself. - Ritu Ghatourey

Thoughts, communications and short journeys could get twisted and thrown out of bounds on Wednesday May 1st and Thursday May 2nd with a confident Mercury/Mars/JupiterRx trine, a demanding Mercury/SaturnRx/PlutoRx square and a competitive Aries Moon. Honor what will be sacrificed, but be aware as to what we refuse to let go - for this is where the true battle takes place.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Margaret Thatcher

Pay attention to which seeds are released and planted under the Taurus New Moon on Saturday May 4th. This is a time for earthy beginnings, fresh start-ups and a new approach to an ungrounded situation. The universe is quite fertile in manifesting our thoughts, wishes and dreams that are good - as well as the not-so-good. Stay mindful of your New Moon Intentions and what you are strongly affirming this week - because you just may get what you're conjuring under the exaggerated Mars/Jupiter opposition. Starcana weekly tarot insight: The shackles are removed and lead us on an unfamiliar path. [DevilRx/WheelRx]

Suzi Dronzek is available for personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance (by phone or email) at (724) 832-9283 www.starcana.com. ©2019 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved, 18+ Entertainment only. | Stay updated, Subscribe | Tarotscope | Donate to my writings

May 2019 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

May 2019 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscopes is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share some basic guidance with a general tarot message; per each individual zodiac sun sign. For a little more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. But if you prefer something a little more personalized and detailed to your life and situation, I’m available for ‘one-on-one’ private consultations.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight:  Judgment: Life and actions are up for review. Assessment. Unfair criticism. Healthy critique. Enlightenment. Forgiveness. Rebirth. Dealing with the aftermath. Rising. Promotion. Righting a wrong. Following a calling. A break from the past. Consequences. Learning from mistakes. Get out of jail for free. Reaching your higher self. Clean slate. Reconciliation. Paying your dues. Following the beat of your own drum. Choosing the higher road. Prayers answered. Rising from the dead. Spiritual awakening. Being amongst the living. Someones prayers save you. Purification.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Ten of Cups: Joy. Looking for a reason to celebrate. Faith is restored. Triumph. Love. Tears of triumph. True friendship. Contentment. Loved ones rock. Tender moments enjoyed. Money can't buy love. Home is where the heart is. Spirituality. True wisdom. Balanced energy. Reflections of kindness. Dancing beneath the waterfall. Dreams are fulfilled. Positive feelings. Adding color to life. Peace and comfort. Love thy neighbor. Good surroundings. Family circle sealed. End to a long cycle. Showered in affection. Emotional bliss. A wish is granted. Happiness. A rainbow after the storm. Togetherness. Enjoying the simple things. Sweet endearments. Radiant light flows.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Five of Wands: Hard work. Going in circles. Unsatisfied. Inner struggles. Labor. Aggression. Defenses are up. Polish that shine. Competition. Trying to find a way in, or possibly a way out. Fighting. Resisting change. Conflict. Lack of agreement. Life comes to a halt. Can't always get what you want. Unaware of goal. Self-limiting. Be creative. Busta move. Find a way. New adventure. What are you fighting for. Utilize energy correctly. Temper. Working up a sweat. Obstacles are no problem. Paving a new road. Ego on fire. Changing direction.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Hermit: Searching for truth. Knowledge. Connect with nature. Meditation. Stillness. Seek and it shall come. What others think, is none of my business. Signs. Silence is golden. Therapeutic counsel. Solitude. Professional help. Self-illumination. The language of the stars. Regression. Center. Discretion. Self-knowledge. Tree hugger. Self-denial. Grounding. Lone wolf. Desertion. Home-based. Blending in with he scenery. Intrigued with the climb. Candle in the wind. Escaping the noise. Listen. Living simple. Withdrawal. Inner guidance.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Two of Pentacles: Duties. Responsibilities. Being Practical. Main Balance. Submitting to Work. Keeping the nose to the grindstone. Distractions can lead off-course. Playing by the rules. Focused. Determination. Financial promise. Every action has a reaction. Multi-tasking. Looking for a return. Work hard, Play hard. Wobbliness. Learning skills.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: The Fool: Bold behavior. Courageous actions. Friendlier prospects. Trusting faith. Chancing on opportunities. Doors open. Reacting to what we believe in. Take the first step. Super freak. Instructions aren't needed. Discover more. One giant step into the future. The mask comes off. 'I gotta be me'. Direction shifts.  Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Making life happen. Go with the flow. Honesty is in the lead. No sense of time. Freedom calls. Leap ahead. Peaceful move. Living for today. The first page of your new chapter.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Five of Swords: The truth shall set you free. Survivor. Unfair means. New information comes around. Creativity outwits challenges. No pain, No gain. Winning, but at what cost. Direction is found. Who's cheating who? Double edge. Degradation. Seeing your reflection. All is a blessing. Interest in selfish gain. You are, who you hang with. Dishonorable decisions. Lowering the sword. Weakness with temptation challenge your willpower. Trickery. Loss of footing. Display of character. Insensitivity. New path created. Cheating. Test of ethics. Cross words. Judgment. Taking time out to think.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Four of Wands: Arriving at the right place. Celebration. Good structure. Fruits of labor. The good life. Romance. Rest. Rewards. Loyalty. Home is where the heart is. Success. Defending and protecting. Happy workplace. Good intentions. Harmony. Promotion. A fire still burns. Powerful love. Happy home. Liking who you are becoming. Contained within your own positive world. Passion is contained. Settling an old score. Pride and honor. A wedding. Secluded yet happy. Strong barriers. Display of commitment. New home. Invitation. Walls of love. New resting stop. Good neighbor. Blessings. Great heart. Self-reliance. Trying was worth the extra step.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight:   Ten of Wands: The tougher path. Sights on success. Stressed. Overloaded. Burdened. Holding the torch. A strong backbone. A long journey. Passion burns. Heavy weight feels good. Martyr complex. Doing it all. Righteousness. End of a cycle. Great strength. Burning the candle at both ends. proving strength. Great spirit. Overworked. The weight of the world on our shoulders. Daring. Challenging. The journey is almost finished. Nothing gets in the way. As all bets are against you, you pull through. Having something to prove. Fatigue. Nearing a deadline.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Hierophant: Quiet the mind. Silence. Compassion. Tradition. Return to belief system. Great teacher. Return to heritage. Public speaking. Creating believers. What has worked in the past wins over chaotic change. Maturity. Stuck in the mud. Seeking advice from clergy or those in our circle. Fighting ends. War is over. Admirers yearn for knowledge and truth. Kindness. Wise one shares wisdom. Understanding purpose. Historical Importance. Old ways return. Conformity. Coming home. Own it. Knowledge speaks. Makes sense. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Conversing with our conscience. Holding status. Knowing thy self. Understanding rules. Buying time. Guru. The wise one. Self-sacrificing. Belonging again. Appreciation and respect. Mercy. Grace.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Five of Cups: Change. All is not lost. Regret. Crying over spilled milk. Disillusionment. A relationship or partnership doesn't fulfill it's potential. Making emotions much bigger than they need to be. Search for sympathy and nurturing within. Investigate a positive in what is being experienced. Desperation. Obsession. Let go of what is not real. Bitterness. Creating a mountain from a molehill. Depth finds weaknesses. Love the one you're with. Grief. Trying to hold on too tightly. Great strength develops from letting go. Refusing to understand the darkness. Seek new trust. It's not working anymore. Detach from the unsolved issues.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: World: Commitment. Fulfillment. Rewards for hard work. Pure happiness. Being admired and recognized. Completion. Achieving success. Triumph. Winnings. Holding the power. Aware of what you are capable of and more. Loyalty. Beautiful finale. Decorating your future. Honorable mentions. Full of integrity. Receiving recognition. Embracing who we've become. Owning our responsibilities. Perfection. Dressed in blessings. A cycle closes. Complete satisfaction.


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