Sunday, April 20 

Starcana Cosmic Dirt AstrologyToday holds an abundance of highly electrical energy. A very loaded Jupiter is challenged by a defiant Uranus this morning, which will require inner adjustment with forceful Pluto this evening. What we may have thought we learned and understood, will be confronted with a different perspective, and much larger truth. It will be important that we open our hearts and our mind -  if we are to evolve.

We can lead a productive day with today's ambitious Capricorn Moon, and yesterday's shift with the Sun in determined Taurus. It's quite obvious with all that's happening around us, and in the world - that change has been calling. Each of us needs to find our own way, if we're to move forward and grow with the times. With this month's cardinal grand cross, and the lunar/solar eclipses - major transformations are the theme - encouraging a deep inner process of emotional cleansing. It will be important that we are aware of the antsy, nervous, and/or irritable vibrations that we 'choose' to hold close to us, rather than be quick to blame. Although these uncomfortable energies can create a very bumpy road for the rest of the month, the ride will not be entirely impossible. This can only help us to become a better driver, and a much wiser traveler on life's busy highway.

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Cosmic Dirt Monday April 21 


Conquering My Self, Aries New Moon