Cosmic Dirt Astrology, July 25, 2012
Fresh ways to communicate are popping up around us as Mercury rx trines Uranus rx this morning. We can find ourselves reaching out to others at new heights, while attracting people from new levels. We may be learning a new language now, or experimenting with new ways to relate and understand better. We can connect with social organizations, new friends, neighbors, and those we've lost touch with. Opportunities appear as we dare to think outside of the box. Create, write, and speak from the heart... for one small step transforms into one humongous leap. Our inner balance will stabilize with the Saturn/Moon conjunction right before lunch. Later tonight, Moon will exit courteous Libra, to enter the stormy seas of Scorpio. We'll be giving away much less ourselves emotionally, to protect and heal weaknesses.
'Only from the heart can you touch the sky'. Rumi.Tarot insight: Ten of Pentacles, King of Wands: What you touch, turns to gold.