Starcana Intuitive Life Guidance

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Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: October 12, 2011

We're 'in the mood' for whatever may 'float our boat' as Mercury trines Neptune. Our thoughts and the way we transit them flows gently and clearly. Imagination blends well with words, which allows for fresh ideas, creative writing, friendly agreements, poetic words, and meditation. Understand allows for forgiveness to promote healing energy. All seems to make sense to us today. Our charm is enhanced with the Aries Moon, while yesterday's vibrations from the Full Moon are still active, generating powerful waves of motion.Later, Moon creates a nice sextile to romantic Neptune, while opposing logical Mercury. Luna also enter the determined terrain of Taurus, encouraging us to work hard for what we value and need. 'I have learned it's not the certification initials after your name that matters... but the character of your personality... and the knowledge in your head and willingness to share it... and the good will in your heart.' Den Elder. Tarot insight: King of Pentacles rx, Six of Pentacles: We can't receive if we can't give.Suzi Dronzek, intuitive astrologer, provides professional consultations and spiritual guidance by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc. Call: 724-832-9283. Mingle on: twitter, facebook, linkedin, google+ ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+