A Force to Be Reckoned With

A Force to Be Reckoned With | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Horoscope

This new week begins with a fearless Leo Moon; which encourages a ferocious roar for leadership and to take back control of what is not only personal, but also right. These fiery vibrations are excellent for self-expression and creativity, as well as calling out the bull-shite, as we nurture where we're hungry in areas of relationships, our romance with life, work and our inner shine.

When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' - you just scream. John Lennon

Venus enters Taurus. As we wrestle for our golden trophy and the royal spotlight, Venus will move from affectionate Taurus, into friendly Gemini on Tuesday April 24. Values, love and money matters will also shift, with less requirement from the physical and materialistic realm; for something less burdening, social and flirtatious during the next four weeks.

Rather than appreciate what we have and hold onto; we'll be more likely to set it free, to embrace individuality with a sense of freedom. Through detachment, there is less worry and responsibility. The trophy that we've been competing for can instantly lose it's appeal - for a playful game of 'cat and mouse' instead - which we just might succeed with under Tuesday's creative Mars/Jupiter sextile.

One's own self is well hidden from one's own self; of all mines of treasure, one's own is the last to be dug up. Friedrich Nietzsche

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What stands in-front of us (and possibly in our way) will depend on our own personal view and determination, as a dose of seriousness will re-set the tone by midweek under the analytical Virgo Moon and stubborn Mercury/Saturn square on Wednesday April 25. We can easily settle and complain about what doesn't come easy for us... Or we can just roll up our sleeves and get busy re-blueprinting for a better plan. And what we choose to do between these two choices, could prove to be influenced under the powerful Mars/Pluto conjunction on Thursday April 26.

As traveling through highly rocky trails can rebuild better structure and solidity... an extremely strong force is also ready to do what is necessary - to be empowered and in control. Obviously, this isn't a gentle flowering energy; but something similar to a dangerous live wire, which can be flammable, explosive and painful - if we're not watching where we step. Our journey could quickly fall apart and disappear - leading us to an unfamiliar direction.

This muscular energy rises to the surface, and it intends to destroy the wreckage of what has remained uncomfortably dormant and toxic; terminating whatever has survived in ruins. The unnecessary weight that we carry may be removed, along with whatever else  chooses to get in our way. We may be a witness to our own raw brilliance of sex, magick and creativity at it's finest. Or, we may observe the heightened, yet frustrated fires through road rage, bullies, sexual manipulation, rage and violence, with possible fires, sinkholes or earth eruptions in the news. Strive for caution with a low profile. 

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up? Chuck Palahniuk

there's a penny on the floor | A Force to Be Reckoned With | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot HoroscopePersonal note: While I observe what's going on in the cosmos, I also pay attention to my own little corner of the universe - especially when pennies drop from heaven. After waking up yesterday morning, I took Buddhi for his morning walk and did some housework before heading back to my office - and out of the blue, a penny mysteriously appeared on the floor - where I've been walking all morning. No one else was around, to drop this this little message on the floor. So along with what I intuitively received at that time, I was also reminded that despite the disruptive energies in the air (which included a few interesting decisions), that my ancestors are near, should I doubt myself. So I share this thought with much thanks and gratitude.

...When I set my mind on something I am a force to be reckoned with. Today I will be gravity - subtle, but powerful and undeniable. Ellen Hopkins

So while it never feels good to surgically remove some sort of abnormal growth that we have learned how to adapt and grow with, it is the healthier choice for our own self-care and wellbeing. In regards to a particular person, a situation or a learned behavior; we may want to ponder as to where our inner core been resistant to a much needed change, for the growth of our mind, body and spirit?

Scorpio Full Moon. Perhaps this energy shift might be a courteous reminder, as we experience breakage and separation from this week's Mars/Pluto conjunction, especially as the Scorpio Full Moon rises on Sunday April 9. Full Moons tend to deliver new light for a new level of truth, along with endings, and the process of release and letting go.
What can you see that is falling away, which is helping to redirect you onto a more authentic path?
Sunday’s polished Sun/Saturn trine with the medicinal Scorpio Moon can lead us to embrace what had been hidden and dark, so that we may correctively adjust, transform and heal. I do hope that this shift provides some sort of final resolution – so that passions and purpose can rise one again. Starcana weekly tarot: Confusion results in misunderstanding. [AceCupsRx/TwoCupsRx] Happy Earth Day with incoming Full Moon Blessings, Suzi xx

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May 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope


Hidden Damage Requires Intense Digging