An Ocean of Hope

An Ocean of Hope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology and Tarot

New Moon blessings! In the midst of what has been decaying and falling away lately; if we dare to shift our footing onto something more solid, we can gain a whole new perspective into what we've been looking at. When gazing from a different angle, we should be able to see the beginning of a small glowing light that appears in the black hole we've been staring into. This small, glimmer of light could deliver a form of new inspiration and faith... or the light may reveal a new level of truth with Mercury in Scorpio. We'll be intrigued to dive down deeply into our own heart; where what truly matters is hidden with what we value under the penetrative Venus/Pluto sextile.

Wisdom begins in wonder. Socrates

Sun enters Sagittarius. As we take some quality time to actually investigate what has left us in the dark and clueless, the light can change; leading us toward a different path as Sun exits intense Scorpio, and enters optimistic Sagittarius for the next four weeks, on Tuesday, November 21. The Sagittarius Sun will lead us onto a well-lit road that holds  much in regards to movement and change through travel, adventure, generosity, religion, books, education, philosophy, spiritual journeys, law, truth, positivity, higher learning and growth; in order to expand our potential in who we are.

If you want to be found, stand where the seeker seeks. Sidney Lanier

Neptune stations direct. As we experience life and love under this warm, giving light, Neptune will station direct on Wednesday November 22, after five months of being retrograde. We'll pick up where we last left off back in June, and with a fresh flow of compassion, forgiveness and flexibility, which allows forward movement for new hope, personal wishes and a sea of dreams. Embarking on a new change can be surprising as well as a warm invitation of energy with the brilliant Mercury/Uranus trine on Saturday, November 25. So if we dare to open our mind, then our eyes will open wide too... which can help us to see much more than we originally imagined.

She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. Steven Rogers, Hope Floats

On the flip side of these sparkly revelations, if we choose to ignore the opportunities that challenge us to learn and grow, then we choose to forfeit our own evolution. For more insight, check out the November tarotscope. Starcana tarot insight: What has remained untidy and uncared for, is swept away. [Death/EmpressRx]

Wishing you and yours - so VERY much to be thankful for - on this Thanksgiving holiday. ~Suzi  xx

For soulful life guidance, subscribe to my cosmic writings - or purchase a professional & personalized intuitive reading, with grounded advice and soulful guidance with Suzi Dronzek at 724-832-9283 ©1995-2017 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+ | To support Starcana: give a like, a share, a comment or small donation.


December 2017 Tarotscopes, A Tarot Horoscope


Bursting Bubbles, Scorpio New Moon