Changing The Way We Bridge The Gap, Saturn Direct, Aquarius Full Moon

Changing The Way We Bridge The Gap, Saturn Direct, Aquarius Full Moon | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology

During the past few months, goals were cosmically paused (and dropped); leaving many in a state of confusion and misdirection with Saturn retrograde, and the slippery influence of Neptune. What may have seemed rock steady, potentially secure or comfortable, became unhinged... which added extra pressure to the strength of its foundation. So in the last five months, some of us witnessed the dismantling of landslides in areas of public status, leading authorities, financial concerns, inner brokenness, insecurities, professional obstacles, family struggles and the fear to strengthen our spine. As flaws and illusions began to appear, ambitions were put on the back burner... which actually helped us to gain a little extra time; to re-study, re-structure and re-design what we have previously built.

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Saturn Direct. On Saturday August 13, Saturn stationed direct, which will allow us to start picking up from where we last left off back in March 2016. It's time that we get grounded and use what we've learned over the past few months, in order to bridge the gap and put the pieces of life back together again. And with new awareness and self-discipline, we can all get busy in building a better reality.

There is peace even in the storm.  Vincent van Gogh

little BuddhiWith harmonious aspects in Tuesday's eventful Sun/Uranus trine and Wednesday's magnetic Venus/Pluto trine, dare to be seen in your most truest colors - especially with Thursday's Aquarius Full Moon. New Moon intentions peak at this time, granting us with a new truth. Hungry needs will be illuminated and electrified, so be sure to expect the unexpected. Disruptive shifts are bound to change direction and possibly our personal shine; Aim for exciting and original! Tarot insight from TemperanceRx/Hermit: Difficulties influence our inner voice.

On a personal note, I wanted to thank everyone for your thoughtful messages regarding the passing of our Charlie. Your heart-felt words helped me to start filling the large hole in my heart. Two months later, we took a little time away to visit the ocean (yes, it was very healing), and we also visit the local animal shelter where we welcomed our little Buddhi into our home and hearts!

Personalized, intuitive energy readings with practical astrology advice and soulful tarot guidance are available by phone/email. Call Suzi Dronzek at 1-724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2016 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+


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