Cutting Loose | October Tarotscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogGood day friend. There's an uncomfortable shift on Tuesday October 1, where values, relationships and/or money situations can be affected by a slippery Venus/Pluto square. In the attempt to gain control of personal desires; the intensity of Tuesday's Scorpio Moon will strengthen powerful cravings. Something (or someone) is bound to be cut loose as a sacrifice is made, to fulfill needy demands. Stay aware of what our choices will cost us in the end.

A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion. Chinese Proverb

After five months in retrograde, transformative Pluto will station direct on Thursday October 3. What was put on hold, so that we could carefully analyze and deeply investigate core development - will not be delayed any further. What has remained unproductive in growth will be terminated and released with Pluto direct... to rejuvenate and sprout new life.

A few hours after Pluto stations, Mercury will exit from indecisive Libra and move into passionate Scorpio for the weeks ahead. Thoughts, communications and short journeys will move toward great depths during Mercury in Scorpio; which can aid in intensifying and sharpening our mental (and intuitive) skills.

You can't study the darkness by flooding it with light. Edward Abbey

As we sink deeper into our own personal extremes, Mars will shift from analytical Virgo, to join Sun (identity, ego) and Venus (values, love, money) in balancing Libra on Friday October 4. Energy and actions will slow down during the next six weeks, as our passionate chase becomes halted in the measuring realm of Libra Mars. We'll be encouraged to get along and play nice with one another. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Destroying shadows that block our shine. [Death, SunRx]. Peace. ~Suzi

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October 2019 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

October Tarotscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Tarot Astrology Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscopes is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share some basic guidance with a general tarot message; per each individual zodiac sun sign. For a little more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. But if you prefer something a little more personalized and detailed to your life and situation, I’m available for ‘one-on-one’ private consultations & birthday readings.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Ace of Swords: Clarity. Completely fresh. Change of mind. New light. Clear communications. Integrity. Vision. Honesty. Information. A hero. It is what it is. The champ. Answers. Taking the lead. Truth shall set you free. Honor. Seed of intention. Decisions based on what is known. Data delivered. Healing. Step toward victory. The birth of an idea. Power. A new beginning. Reachable goal. Head over heart. Ready for the test. A light turns on. Potential is available. Stronger than before.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Eight of Cups: Making an important sacrifice. Woe no more. Abandoning a current path. Taking a new turn. Understanding. Emotional disappointments left behind. Finding a place to belong. Regrets. Heart and head harmonize. Needing distance. Not caring anymore. What's love got to do with it? Connecting with a new passion. Choosing strength, not weakness. Turning away from it all. Letting go of the illusions. Self-love. Putting memories in a safe place. Movement.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: The Devil: Bondage. Questioning happiness. Distracted from goals. Gravity. Subordination. Addiction. Unhappiness. Growth is stunted. Materialism. Downfall. Obsession. Karma. What are you saving for? Lack of success. Fear of change. Be careful of what you've been wishing for. Chained. Pain. Blame. Bumpy road. Problems resurface. Excuses. Doing for the wrong reasons. Trapped. Unprepared for consequence. Unexpected failure. Weird experience. In a rut. Punishment. Fear of change. What goes up, must come down. Stuck. Lesson.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other's back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Hermit: Searching for truth. Knowledge. Connect with nature. Meditation. Stillness. Seek and it shall come. What others think, is none of my business. Signs. Silence is golden. Therapeutic counsel. Solitude. Professional help. Self-illumination. The language of the stars. Regression. Center. Discretion. Self-knowledge. Tree hugger. Self-denial. Grounding. Lone wolf. Desertion. Home-based. Blending in with he scenery. Intrigued with the climb. Candle in the wind. Escaping the noise. Listen. Living simple. Withdrawal. Inner guidance.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Knight of Swords: Cleverness. Negotiations. A calm approach. Heroic action. Creative problem-solving. Sharp. Crystal clear. New insight. Fearless approach. Solutions. Hypothetical concepts. Analyzation. Strategic proposal. A new game plan. Shrewdness. Charmed grace. The power of words. Quick mind. Less is more. Friendliness. New information. Assumptions. Seeking advice. Say what you mean. Righteous anger. Honoring your belief. Gallantry. Seeking triumph over opposition. Wit.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight:Ten of Swords: A cycle ends. Overwhelming thoughts. Aware of disappointment. Troubles weigh heavy. Sorrow. Grief. Embracing darkness. Light is just up ahead.Closure. Realization. Freedom in truth. Ruin. Passing success. Exhaustion. Minimal improvement. Harsh words. Pain. Almost. One perspective. Ending. Finished with that. Answer is not what was expected. The end. The worst is over. The last piece of the puzzle. Lack of research. Too much imagination. Facts of life. Grand finale. Breaking free.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Five of Cups: Change. All is not lost. Regret. Crying over spilled milk. Disillusionment. A relationship or partnership doesn't fulfill it's potential. Making emotions much bigger than they need to be. Search for sympathy and nurturing within. Investigate a positive in what is being experienced. Desperation. Obsession. Let go of what is not real. Bitterness. Creating a mountain from a molehill. Depth finds weaknesses. Love the one you're with. Grief. Trying to hold on too tightly. Great strength develops from letting go. Refusing to understand the darkness. Seek new trust. It's not working anymore. Detach from the unsolved issues.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Hanged Man: Temporarily in suspension. All is on hold. Transition. Nothing moves forward or backwards. Life stops temporarily. Boredom. Spiritual awakenings. Too much time on your hands. Not ready to quite let go. Life is turned upside down. Passive behavior. Readjustment. Preparation of sacrifice. Cleansing. It's totally out of your hands. See from a different perspective. Waiting. Regenerating. Visions. Insight. Healing. At peace with the stillness. Trust in higher sources. Rebirth. Everything happens for a reason.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Seven of Cups: Illusions. Fantasy. Seeing a mirage. Dream about a world that is hoped for. Head in the clouds. Over-active imagination. Spiritual realms. Living in a bubble. Lost. Direction and goals are unclear. Going with the flow. Ignoring reality. Careless. Seeing something that doesn't exist. Making wishes. Creating intention. Mystical experience. Psychic abilities. More wishful thinking. Relying solely on intuition. Something doesn't make sense, but who cares. Romantic expectations. If it's seems too good to be true, make it a double. Escapism. Filling emptiness with dreams and desires. In love. Wishing on a star. Counting on your lucky charms.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: King of Wands: Displaying great strength. Energy circulates. Strong Passions burn. Devoted individual. Graduation. Ready for the real world. Life takes a courageous direction. A teacher arrives. Noble gestures. Sharing what we've learned. Standing out in a crowd. Daring acts. In control. Honest intentions. Helping another. Generosity. Expansion. Trusting what works. Conquering a project. Self-realization. The power of leadership. Travel. A trusted friend. Desire to go the distance. Controlled enthusiasm. Finding reason to believe. Management of self. Taking your own advice. A patient listener. Burning bright. Confident and capable.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: The High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and listen. Information revealed, but may be clouded. Urged to be patient as details present themselves. See beyond the obvious. An older woman with a mysterious agenda. Be a guardian of your unconscious. Respect what you sense. Use practicality and good judgment. Benefit from introverted energy. Trust intuition. Subconscious influences becomes a guide. There is more much happening beneath the surface. Possible psychic breakthrough. Secrets. Not all can be seen. The time is not right to act. Pay attention to memories or details that may have been overlooked. Mystical potential. The unknown speaks. See beyond the veil. Illusions exist.


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