Rediscovering Our Inner Wild  | Starcana Cosmic Dirt

Rediscovering Our Inner Wild  | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Astrology Tarot Horoscope

Do you remember the distraction that happened a few months ago... what we had imagined to be our purpose,... and where we thought we were going... and where we may have lost our way? A rude intrusion fell upon our path, cosmically guiding us toward a more peaceful route. Since this awkward sense of footing, we've been learning how to get back on our own feet again during the last four months. We've been practicing and re-creating our own inner resources of luck and happiness during Jupiter retrograde. With Jupiter stationing direct yesterday, on Sunday August 11, we'll pick up from where we last left off in April - to be more productive with our dreams. We'll have trust in ourselves and the gods, where we'll be in charge of making our own opportunities and abundance once again.

It's what you choose to believe that makes you the person you are. Karen Marie Moning

Creativity gets a big boost as Mercury also shifts from shy Cancer on Sunday August 11, into wholehearted Leo - where it was back in June. Thoughts, communications and journeys will gain quick speed, along with reign and power over the next three weeks. We're bound to be expressing ourselves in a much bigger and prouder way this time. Whether we release affectionate purrs - or fearless roars - be aware of what is being publicly broadcasted regarding who we are and our intentions with Mercury in Leo.

Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time. Leo Buscaglia

In attempts to design and generate a new fresh direction, another shift happened as Uranus stationed retrograde on Sunday August 11. The rattling planet of change, awakenings and truth in unshakable Taurus can help us to get a better look at who we are and what we're capable of, during the next five months. Remember that fear has no purpose in the place we're going.

You are an endless project...changing, evolving, surprising. James Patterson

New Moon intentions will peak and a new level of truth will light up our path under the liberating Aquarius Full Moon on Thursday August 15. What may have been overlooked or hidden is finally uncovered, which will require some inner adjustment. A cycle has come to an end; encouraging a time for completion, endings, release and letting go. We're shown what needs to be removed, so that we may do what is necessary to shine. Do you dare to shed what doesn't enhance the essence of your soul?

Wildflowers aren't meant to be cut & tamed. They're meant to be loved & admired. Anthony T. Hincks

While we may be ready to bloom, life may not go as planned with an unpredictable Mercury/Uranus square on Friday August 16. Turbulent changes are in the air. Perhaps a change of heart. Expect the unexpected.

Whatever challenging mishap, misunderstanding or potential brainstorming that may be experienced - there's still something valuable to learn. And as Mars enters Virgo on Sunday August 18, we'll have an advantage during the next six week - to get though existing obstacles and current detours (Saturn) - if we're willing to slow down and analyze what we're actually dealing with. It's a fine time to figure out how to get it done right this time.

Starcana weekly tarot insight: A return manifests from the work we've done. [FiveWandsRx/TenPentacles]. For additional insight, read this month's August Tarotscope. Peace. ~Suzi

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Being a Better You | Starcana Cosmic Dirt


Receiving a Return | Starcana Cosmic Dirt