Deep Cleansing Reveals a Clearer Truth | Pluto Direct, Mercury enters Libra

Deep Cleansing Reveals a Clearer Truth | Pluto Direct, Mercury enters Libra | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot

Moving forward may be a bit challenging under a limited Mercury/Saturn square on Monday September 25. The path where our intrigue and interest has been leading us, may not be quite as satisfying as originally thought. And where we're headed could have a few unexpected surprises and turns with the twisted Jupiter/Uranus opposition on Thursday September 28, and a distorted Venus/Neptune opposition on September 29.

Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently. 

Pluto Direct. If some of this sounds a wee bit familiar, extra caution in the decisions we make could prove to be a tad more stabilizing - especially as transformative Pluto stations direct on Thursday September 28. Letting go of what has stopped serving us during the last five months is ready to begin, and this purification process will allow us to return more rejuvenated and whole - as we return to where we last left off, back in April. 

What has been slowly decaying, could feel more unhealthy and toxic to our inner wellbeing during this five month cycle. Rather than terminate what has grown into unusable mold; we may instead, decide to slice it in many pieces first – obsessively examining its many complicated levels. And we’ll keep investigating, and we’ll keep digging. We’ll taste it. Roll it between our teeth. Swallow it. Digest it. And even regurgitate it a few times. Is what we’re holding onto disposable; or not? If we can better understand what makes it tick, we may be able to manipulate it into something useful - once again. Pluto rx  from Starcana


The only Zen you find on tops of mountains is the Zen you bring there. Robert M. Pirsig

Mercury enters Libra. Whether the release is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, there will be an opportunity to see what is right and most fair for all involved as communicating Mercury leaves meticulous Virgo, to enter peace-seeking Libra on Friday September 29. As Mercury transits considerate Libra during the next three weeks, eyes and voices will open (more honestly and gently), helping us to see that there are options for friendlier negotiations. Make it a great week friends, and stay blessed. Starcana tarot insight: Understanding what we must do. [Temperance/TwoWands]

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