Heart Connections | Astrology Horoscope

Heart Connections | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Horoscope

As life continues to change and evolve, we're put into our own individual position of either hanging on to what we know is stable - or to let go and flow (Pisces Mars). To try and do both - to control AND to surrender - would require intense juggling, as we would be challenged to give much of who we are, without completely losing ourselves.

This  can be almost be too much for some to do and to remember, that there's a possibility of becoming so overwhelmed or bored of routine, forcing us to make a great escape with a runaway Mars/Jupiter square and passionate Aries Moon on Monday November 19.

Sun enters Sagittarius. We may not understand what we're actually creating, or which direction we're headed toward - which is not so uncommon under Mercury retrograde - but that's okay. As long as we keep aware and active, we're bound to find our way as powerful Sun (ego, identity) exits from shadowy Scorpio and moves in brilliant Sagittarius for the next four weeks on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 22. What we're in search of, will find us; through our generous nature, positivity, gratitude, charity and the beautiful gift of giving under the next four weeks.

Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey. unknown

Gemini Full Moon. New Moon intentions that were sent out on November 7 will peak on Friday November 23, as a Full Moon in Gemini rises. What has remained unknown, in the dark or in secret is uncovered; to reveal and illuminate a higher truth. We'll be ready to reach out with our ideas, thoughts, communications and short journeys under the Gemini Moon, to nurture what we've been most hungry for - to connect. But without doing the work, some of us could fumble in our own mess of worry, anxiety and restlessness. Which do you intend to feed?

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha.

It would be wise to just slow down and know exactly what needs to be addressed - and then put it into words - with patience and kindness. Otherwise, everything that is inside our head could become unleashed - while hoping that our intentions (and dramatic nonsense) are welcomed and understood - prankster Mercury (Gemini's ruler) is retrograde. Step back, review, look for mistakes, recorrect the errors and let the mending begin.

In spending time with our family and friends on the Thanksgiving holiday, the Gemini Moon encourages friendly socializing with light conversations. This is helpful in avoiding heavy topics with complicated matters. May each of us practice being mindful and kind with one another.

Forget the harm that anyone has done to you, and forget the good that you have done to others. Shirdi Sai Baba

Neptune Direct. A forward flow is available again as imaginative Neptune stations direct after five months. We'll return to where we last left off in June (before the retrograde), replenishing us with new mystery, surrender, idealism, dreams, compassion, hope, acceptance, magick, forgiveness and healing again. This week's tarot insight: A gift is received. [PageCups/TwoPents]. For more insight, check out the November tarotscope

On a personal note, Thank you so much for your kind messages and prayers for my dad. I appreciate each of you, and wish  that your life, family, home and Thanksgiving be filled with so much warmth and gratitude this year. And may we also remember those who struggle of devastating loss and heartache from the California wildfires with kind ways we can help or with a small donation.

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