The Path is Kindness | Astrology Horoscope

The Path is Kindness | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Horoscope

Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts. We all have our own, quietly tucked away - where we can conveniently hide our true self. And in our attempt to relate with one another, our own mischievous thoughts, relentless worries and triggered fears can quickly distract us from following our heart - and connecting with one another. And despite our intention to reach out for one another, we can still feel some sense of disconnection - but because of what we carry as our own individual thoughts and personal judgments.

We can assume that we have nothing in common; telling ourselves that we’re not on 'the same frequency' - so why would we even bother to ‘cross that bridge’. And if we allow ourselves to believe this, something could start to feel a bit 'off'; causing us to wonder if we know as much as we thought we knew. Eventually, a concern may rise, causing us to think that maybe we’re just aren't good enough. We begin the process of self-sabotage, by getting in our own way - allowing ourselves to be moved toward a different direction - rather than following our heart - with communication and connection.

Sometimes you really dig a girl, the moment you kiss her, And then you get distracted by her older sister. John Sebastian

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Neptune Stations Retrograde. As Moon shifts from fearless Leo, into analytical Virgo on Monday June 18, we’ll quietly turn inward; adjusting our awareness and self-image - while imaginative Neptune stations retrograde. This transit gives us an opportunity during the next four months to become more familiar with spirituality, personal musings and our own inner vision - while comparing the image we're creating in our outer world.

Perhaps in other words; we might ask if we're getting to experience our aspirations and truest dreams in our daily living too? And if not, the next few months can be a valuable time to remember, redream, revision and recreate our hopes for our personal and professional goals.

We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions. Ian Percy

Sun enters Cancer. To help us see our path in a brand new light, the Sun will shift from communicating Gemini into nurturing Cancer on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, Thursday June 21. We’ll be led forward, though our own work of kindness, sympathy, small (but mighty) acts from the heart; caring for our family, loved ones, home and self.

And if we finally become aware of the support and tender loving care that surrounds us; helping us grow into better humans... we may want finally need to ask ourselves, ‘am I personally doing enough to help and protect those that brings me both love and light'?

When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. W. Clement Stone

In understanding our journey, our personal boundaries may be pressured under a competitive Venus/Mars opposition on Thursday. We may finally decide to put a stop to it with the bossy Mercury/Pluto opposition and an intense Scorpio Moon. By the end of the week, I hope that we're all breathing a lot more peacefully - by following our dreams, rather than the distractions. Starcana tarot insight: Finding value in a current struggle. [ThreeSwords/PagePents]. For more insight, check out your tarot cards in the June Tarotscope.

I shared this cute picture of us on Facebook, but thought that some of you might enjoy it too. It's a little kick-off into this new chapter with Uranus in Taurus (the bull) - while hoping that each of us can extend a kind helping hand and a warm heart out toward others. :o)

For a personalized intuitive reading, grounded advice and soulful guidance, Suzi Dronzek is available for professional phone & email consultations: Mon-Fri 10a-6m EST, and evenings til 8pm on Mon & Tues. Call 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. | I'm Social! Facebook | Facebook Page Twitter LinkedIn | Support My Writings!


July 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope


Fueling Your Creativity | Astrology Horoscope