Inner Security is an Inside Job

Inner Security is an Inside Job | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Tarot Astrology Horoscope

A sense of uneasiness continues to linger as we journey through the eclipse season, but also with Venus (values, love, money), Jupiter (abundance, expansion), Saturn (responsibility, structure) and Pluto (death, transformation) in retrograde motion. Mercury (thoughts, communication, journeys) will join this cosmic train when stationing retrograde on Thursday June 18.

Mentioned in the previous post: “As a kind reminder, Mercury is preparing to station retrograde next week. If we get a little distracted or messy with our thoughts and communications; we could unknowingly conjure up a heated debate, repeat another unresolved situation from the past, or experience a technical issue with our devices. Do take special care of phones and vehicles during Mercury retrograde, and don’t forget to back up your computers dear friends”.

With Mercury retrograde in sensitive Cancer for the next three weeks, areas that are likely to be either reviewed, recorrected and/or revisited ... will most likely revolve around family, home, domestication, mothers, female issues, emotional security, intuition, digestion, memories or an unresolved situation. We can reconnect with our inner poet and nurturer to find the fix that we’re looking for… or we can remain self-conscious, inflexible and moody.

Your mind is like a wild horse that keeps wrecking your life. The same horse can be of immense value and help you win races if you learn how to tame it. Dr Prem Jagyasi

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We’ll attempt to lead with kindness and care for the next four weeks as Sun moves from witty Gemini, into compassionate Cancer on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, Saturday June 20. A powerful Solar Eclipse/Cancer New Moon follows, taking place on Father's Day Sunday June 21. Chaos, change and crisis are often associated with transformative eclipses - which can be experienced as breakups, breakdowns and/or breakthroughs. Doors will be closing, so that new doors can open.. and this ecliptic energy can continue to vibrate in our home and inner being for the next three to six months. Are you ready to evolve and break into a whole new chapter? Starcana weekly tarot insight: A major effort creates peace. [Chariot/Justice]. More insight is available in the June Tarotscope! I wish you New Moon Blessings! ~Suzi

Suzi Dronzek is available for readings, advice and guidance by phone and email. Call 724-832-9283 or visit © 1995-2020 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. For entertainment only. 18+ | 24 Hour Psychic Hotline | Donate


Clouds of Confusion

