Clouds of Confusion

Clouds of Confusion | Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Tarot Astrology Horoscope

Along with the thunderous roll from Sunday's Solar Eclipse, there’s additional movement this week. What we intend to do with this energy, will determine our course. And our vision will slowly clear as Neptune stations retrograde on Tuesday June 23. Under the next five months of Neptune Retrograde, our dreams, fantasies, illusions and hope will begin to fade - giving us a transparent and uncomplicated peek into our own reality.

Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength. Theodore Roosevelt

As life's clouds begin to disappear; Venus will station direct on Thursday June 25. We'll return us to where we last left off with our values, relationships and money with  Venus Direct - back in the middle of May. And even though the fog will eventually evaporate, it will be wise to remain observant as thoughts and communications continue to be unstable, confusing and changing under Mercury retrograde. Ideas and information are still shifting - and we might just miss it - if we’re too busy responding to what might not actually exist or matter anymore.

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.  Harriet Beecher Stow

Holding back may be nearly impossible as fiery Mars exits dreamy Pisces and returns home to brave Aries on Saturday June 27. With passionate Mars in Aries during the weeks ahead, we’ll take bold steps toward fresh startups and new beginnings. We’ll be willing to fight for what we believe in; creating fearless action to conquer our most precious desires. Burn baby, burn. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Trusting our inner wisdom. [KingPentacles/PageWands].

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July 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope


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