July 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

July 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

July 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. If you prefer something more personalized and detailed, I’m available for ‘one-on-one’ consultations.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.


ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Four of Wands: Arriving at the right place. Celebration. Good structure. Fruits of labor. The good life. Romance. Rest. Rewards. Loyalty. Home is where the heart is. Success. Defending and protecting. Happy workplace. Good intentions. Harmony. Promotion. A fire still burns. Powerful love. Happy home. Liking who you are becoming. Contained within your own positive world. Passion is contained. Settling an old score. Pride and honor. A wedding. Secluded yet happy. Strong barriers. Display of commitment. New home. Invitation. Walls of love. New resting stop. Good neighbor. Blessings. Great heart. Self-reliance. Trying was worth the extra step.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: The Sun: Renewal of spirit. Joy returns. The answer is yes. Our inner light shines. We have control over our lives. Golden opportunities. Willpower to walk through life. Accomplishment. You find the pot of gold. Improvement in health. Successful rewards. Material happiness. What we have wanted, comes true. A happy marriage. A good partnership. Clear vision of where we are going. Attainment of your dreams. Playfulness is delivered. Pleasure of life returns. Seeing the good in things. Everything you touch turns to gold. Optimism. Believing in ourself, others, and in miracles. Bright ideas. Naive happiness. We accept the truth. Wisdom. Completely content and satisfied. No clouds are going to get in the way. A start of a clean slate. You reach your goal. You win the finish line. Blessings of wealth. You are free.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Three of Swords: Worry. Too many thoughts. Finding disappointment. Sadness. Painful realizations. Reality hurts. Hard to connect the dots. Issues can not be agreed upon. The truth stings. Experiencing a broken heart. Affection is not reciprocated. Stormy weather ahead. Words get in the way. Honest communications is painful. Separation. Torn. Incapable of letting go. Cross words. Disagreements. Self-inflicted misery. Sorrow. Crushed. Forgetting what the heart desires. Three times is a charm. Agree to disagree.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight:  Seven of Cups: Illusions. Fantasy. Seeing a mirage. Dream about a world that is hoped for. Head in the clouds. Over-active imagination. Spiritual realms. Living in a bubble. Lost. Direction and goals are unclear. Going with the flow. Ignoring reality. Careless. Seeing something that doesn't exist. Making wishes. Creating intention. Mystical experience. Psychic abilities. More wishful thinking. Relying solely on intuition. Something doesn't make sense, but who cares. Romantic expectations. If it's seems too good to be true, make it a double. Escapism. Filling emptiness with dreams and desires. In love. Wishing on a star. Counting on your lucky charms.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight:  The Fool: Bold behavior. Courageous actions. Friendlier prospects. Trusting faith. Chancing on opportunities. Doors open. Reacting to what we believe in. Take the first step. Super freak. Instructions aren't needed. Discover more. One giant step into the future. The mask comes off. 'I gotta be me'. Direction shifts.  Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Making life happen. Go with the flow. Honesty is in the lead. No sense of time. Freedom calls. Leap ahead. Peaceful move. Living for today. The first page of your new chapter.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Six of Cups: Embracing finer memories. Nostalgia. Happier times. Reliance on the past. Understanding how to enjoy the present. Reflections. Letting time pass. Enjoyment. Daydreams. Allowing yourself to be happy. Smiles. Laughter. Fun times. Longing for the way it use to be. Gentleness returns. Remembering what matters. Love conquers all. Overflowing with joy. Good friends. Moving past issues. Yesteryears speak loudly. Trusting insight. Imagine to believe. Creativity. Understanding what fades. The heart longs for togetherness. Healing music. Photographic memory. Childhood comes to surface. Emotions flow. Aware of what matters.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Ten of Pentacles: Everything falls right into place. Money doesn't buy happiness. You are invited into the riches of the world. Understanding what really matters. Student turns into the teacher. Great success. Rewards of Hard work. Favorable investments. Empowered. Gain. Family heals. Goal achieved. Roots. Harmony. Growth. In-sync with the universe. Spiritual enrichment. Successful arrival. Inheritance. Positive changes. Wealth. Tradition. Prosperity. Financial or Material gift. Wisdom. Walk the walk. Blessings.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: The Tower: Purification. Cosmic direction. Growing from deteriorated pattern. Rapid change. The rug is pulled out from beneath the feet. Values shift tremendously. Truth. New foundation required. Failed design of blueprints. Catastrophic transformation. Walls come tumbling down. Alarm. Wake up. Falling, Breaking. Rapid change. Doing without, to advance. Disgrace. Shatter. Unstable security. Weakness found. A major shift. Awareness. Arranging priorities. Prepare for tomorrow. Chaos. Spiritual growth. Awakened. Surprising event. Karma.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Four of Pentacles: Holding on too tightly. Hoarder. Inability to let go. Stale. Protected. Grasping onto what brings us power. Mold grows. Safe in our prison. Growth in finances. Locked in. Having the ability to open and close doors. Miserly. Scrooge. Refusal to stray beyond four walls. Reflecting on what has been built. Choosing to be cheap. Unable to see the future. Dependent on experience. Alone. Tough cookie. Security matters. Lacking vision from limitations. Not flexible. Can't think outside the box. Stubbornness. Attachment. Teamwork is missing. Barriers. Building walls.   

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Hanged Man: Temporarily in suspension. All is on hold. Transition. Nothing moves forward or backwards. Life stops temporarily. Boredom. Spiritual awakenings. Too much time on your hands. Not ready to quite let go. Life is turned upside down. Passive behavior. Readjustment. Preparation of sacrifice. Cleansing. It's totally out of your hands. See from a different perspective. Waiting. Regenerating. Visions. Insight. Healing. At peace with the stillness. Trust in higher sources. Rebirth. Everything happens for a reason.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity. Blessings. Common sense. Having a good head on your shoulders. Healthy. Common sense. Trust and self-respect. Supportive. Willing to gently bend. Well-being. Centered. In tune with nature. Luxury. Surrounded with nice things. Magnificence. Opportunity for growth. Building earnings. Ability to give and take. Generosity. Extreme comfort. Business smarts. Loving. Security. Reaching a good place. Mother nature. Work improves. Spiritual enrichment. Wisdom. Good decisions. Respect for life and others. Noble, honorable soul. Calm awareness. Corrections with love.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other's back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.

To stay connected with Suzi Dronzek & Starcana forecasts, subscribe here. For a professional session; an intuitive reading, advice and guidance by phone or emailcall 724-832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com. ©2020 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved, 18+ Entertainment only. | Donate to support my cosmic writings. | When I'm off-schedule, try my 24 Hour Psychic Hotline.


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