Slow Down to Smell the Posies

Slow Down to Smell the Posies | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Astrology Tarot Horoscope

A strong cosmic force that could be experienced from the inner core, is likely to inspire a new plan of direction. With Mercury retrograde and open-mindedness, we’re likely to become aware that options still exist in how we’re going to get where we’re going.

If we insist that the cosmos take hold of the wheel, for us - then we’re agreeing to forfeit our talent, skill and ability to redesign fresh possibilities. And because of unforeseen consequences, there’s a good chance we’ll settle as a victim of circumstance.

With fiery Mars transiting through brave Aries, we can chase dreams and boldly pave new roads to reach them. For those who will deny themselves of this grand opportunity to shine, please take special care in how life and others will be approached - especially for those who are quick to blame, rather being being accountable for individual choices. Fire is dangerous and bound to spread quickly.

May we slow down to smell the posies first. Let's think about what we'd like to genuinely manifest? Do you know what you'd be willing to truly sacrifice - and terminate properly - in order to reach your goal? If so, let's release what isn't supportive of our dreams anymore... to make sufficient room for what we desire.

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals. Stephen Covey

Previous efforts in which we’ve participated in - where we’ve contributed to our own growth and expansion - will become intensified under the powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on Tuesday June 30. What we’ve taken part in (or haven’t) will greatly determine our positive returns or negative losses.

Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. Mother Teresa

Between the powerful Cancer Solar Eclipse from June, and a Lunar Eclipse/Capricorn Full Moon on Sunday July 5, doors are continuing to close. As light shines brightly, New Moon intentions peak, while a new level of truth is illuminated. A new mystery is uncovered, as a cycle will come to an end. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Trying to control what has already ended. [FiveSwordsRx/WorldRx]. Want more? Read your July Tarotscope. Peace, Suzi

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Say What You Mean... Gently.


July 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope