Lurking Shadows | Mercury Retrograde, October Tarotscope

Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology ~ Lurking shadows, Mercury enters ScorpioVenus enters Libra. Venus, the planet which rules our values, love and money, changes signs on Monday September 29. Venus will remove the stuffy gray uniform that was necessary during her visit in detail-oriented Virgo, where we counted every measly penny to 'nickel and dime' our relationships, professional partnerships and romantic interests.

With Venus in Libra for the next few weeks, we 'll want to get back to the sweet comforts of friendship, socializing and having peaceful connections. We'll flirtatiously decorate what we currently have to work with, and designing it into something more supportive and relatable. As we put something in, we'll receive something in return. This can help tremendously, helping us to be a little easier on ourselves, but also on others - especially as the Libra Sun radiates a healing light that energizes our potential to live kindly and respectfully. By striving to create balance with others, we also learn how to create balance for ourselves.

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. Buddha

Mercury in Scorpio. Everything up ahead looks pretty clear so far, and direction seems to be right on course... right? Yet there are uncomfortable thoughts that have appeared, which found a way to intercept our calm as Mercury (communications, thoughts, short journeys) changed signs on Saturday September 27 - exiting indecisive Libra, to sink into investigative Scorpio. What we thought we could genuinely move forward with, may have rapidly flipped in a blink of the eye. Perhaps it was a few warning signs (Saturn in Scorpio) that signaled caution and uncertainty. And if we stumbled and fell off course.. getting back on might be a little bit tough, requiring some strategic maneuvering through this heavy mist of suspicion.

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw

Mercury Retrograde. On Saturday, October 4th, Mercury will station retrograde. There's a good possibility that our direction will be placed on pause temporarily, as something gets lost in translation. The information that we intend to translate, fails us. Signals get crossed and twisted. Mercury retrograde brings its own light, through trickery, confusion and misunderstandings, as well as strange errors by funky flaws, unexpected breakdowns with computers, communications, phones, faxes, letters, texts, trips, written agreements, appliances, vehicles, and heavy machinery.

Because of the 'fumbles' that Mercury retrograde can bring us in our journey through life, he doesn't rank well on the popularity list. But in reality, we are the ones who chose to ignore the imperfections and flaws. We failed to confront 'the petty stuff' and didn't take care of those 'minor glitches'. Instead of approaching the problem, we overlooked the mistakes. And in the end, we only fooled ourselves, if we thought we could slip by with blame and excuses.

So what we thought to be trivial, and dreaded to approach - finally get's our attention. We're being shown how wrong we are, because Mercury loves specifics, details, punctuation, proofreading, good communications, checklists, inspections, and so on. You might get the picture. And if you don't - you have an opportunity to learn in the next three weeks, utilizing this delicate timing of the REtrograde to REview, REthink and REcalculate. A chance to step back in time, to figure out where the error took place, to REcorrect communications and the issue, with what we actually meant. And as we 'appear' to move backwards (like the retrograde) into memories or recent situations - to REmember or RElate we those we lost touch with. Check out more information about Mercury retrograde.  

The key to change... is to let go of fear. Rosanne Cash

Rather than respond or react too quickly this week - try to pay attention and get the details. Rather than assume, be curious. Ask questions, then listen for the answers. As the Sun/Pluto square approaches on Saturday October 4, control and demands become a challenge, while the winds change direction on Sunday October 5 with the Mars/Uranus trine bringing unexpected changes. Engines are revved for the great wide open with Mars in Sagittarius, as we spread our own wings with Uranus retrograde. Perspectives are changing, so we're aiming higher for happiness and our true purpose. With next week's Warrior Full moon, while Pluto is direct, we're in the process of letting go - which could be a physical release, or something more internal. Be courageous or strategic in what you are attempting, because you just may get it - if you believe in it with Jupiter in Leo. And remember - because you are in the drivers seat, you are already in control.

It's also Libra season for a few more weeks folks. We'll benefit much more with the harmonious intentions of 'togetherness', 'team', 'we' and 'us'. Relax self-centered demands for 'I', 'me', and 'mine'. Kindly share, to let others have their moment in the spotlight too. Otherwise, the shiz could 'hit the fan' - so if anything is bound to fly and splatter the room, make sure it's energizing, inspirational, and uniquely life changing. Weekly Tarot Toss: SevenPentacles/AceWandsrx, Halfway through, motivation gets lost.

If you enjoyed this, give it a social 'like' & share the wisdom. For a professional, personalized consultation by phone or email, contact Suzi at: 724-832-9283 or visit: ©1995-2014 Starcana,Inc. All rights reserved. For entertainment only. 18+  | Donate | Subscribe To Starcana Cosmic Dirt Wrirings | Friend me | Image Credit: ChristophersMark

Starcana Tarotscopes, Tarot Horoscope for Zodiac Sun SignsOctober Tarotscopes, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscopes is a horoscope created from the tarot. Each month, I concentrate individual sun signs, then pull one tarot card for monthly insight. To provide you with some guidance, I’ve included a general tarot card interpretation... but if you’d like something more detailed and more personalized to your own life & situation, private sessions are available. If you know your astrological birth information, enhance this month’s message, with my ‘three card’ tarot spread...

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what challenges you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what you are creating.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Page of Cups: Flexible emotions. Passion of the heart returns. Serenity received. Calm is offered. Compassionate soul comes along to help. Being able to smile and relax. Forgiveness. Moving past blocks. A friend arrives. Flowing forward again. Loyalty offered. Positive blend. Display of kindness. Reflectiveness. Love. The heart speaks. Generosity. Giving of ourselves. Reaching out. Someone from past returns. Balance for the soul.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: The Moon: Darkness draws us in. Caution. Not everything is as it seems. Something lurks in the shadows. Deceit possible. High imagination. Blinded by truth. Trust you gut. Stay true. Practice healthy boundaries. Sit back. Feel. Pay attention. Adjust your vision. Illusion. Intuition. What you see, is not what you get. Trust your inner knowing. Fascination. Disorientation. Confusion. Self-deceit. Overwhelming fear rises. Journal your dreams. Pay attention to the signs. Creative pursuits. Reach for the unseen. Losing touch with reality. Answers are not so obvious. Spend time listening. Blinded by the light.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Change. All is not lost. Regret. Crying over spilled milk. Disillusionment. A relationship or partnership doesn't fulfill it's potential. Making emotions much bigger than they need to be. Search for sympathy and nurturing within. Investigate a positive in what is being experienced. Desperation. Obsession. Let go of what is not real. Bitterness. Creating a mountain from a molehill. Depth finds weaknesses. Love the one you're with. Grief. Trying to hold on too tightly. Great strength develops from letting go. Refusing to understand the darkness. Seek new trust. It's not working anymore. Detach from the unsolved issues.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other's back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: # Nine of Pentacles:  Accomplishment. Independence. Finances improve. Life blooms. Entrepreneur. Material comfort. A flourishing business. An inner sense of security. Solitary achievements. Positive earnings. Feeling very sure of yourself.  Security. Gifts. Nature lover. Femininity. Refinement. Gratitude. Safety. Material comfort. Winnings. Wishes come true. Aware you are successful. Effort pays off. Enjoying the pleasures of life. Financial security. Capable of taking care of yourself. Surrounded by beauty. Sensitive and comfortable with solitude. Calmness. Being resourceful. A dream with hard work pays off. You realize the world that you have created. Indulging into your success. Spiritual sound. A strong ability to control our feelings. Standing for integrity. Being responsible for your own actions. Self-reliance. Stay down to earth. Trusting our skills. Self-discipline. Being on top of the world, can be lonely at the top - but we don't seem to mind much. Act on your own.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Nine of Wands: Preparation. Caution. Waiting for the cart to tilt. Believing that thing could still go wrong. Difficulties may exist. High energy. Resisting purification. Priorities. The war continues. Stand for a purpose. Fighting for a reason. Hidden enemies. Taking more than needed. Closure waits. Coming to an end of a journey. Deception. Organizing. Instincts. Boomerang. Validation. Anticipation. Obsessed with success. Ego. Control. Direction through inner process.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Strength: Getting a grip on life. Confidence beams. Self-control. The world is your stage. Time to shine. Self-esteem blooms. It's in your hands now. Bold actions. Courage. Inner strength. Finding your purposes. Trusting your gut instincts. Conquering demons. Heroic deeds. Raw energy. Winner. Making friends with your enemies. Listening to your heart. Defiance. Natural born leader. Prayers are answered. Making a stand. Conquest. Winning the battle. Achieving what you set out to do. Accomplishment.

Happy birthday! SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)  Tarot card insight: Ten of Cups: Joy. Looking for a reason to celebrate. Faith is restored. Triumph. Love. Tears of triumph. True friendship. Contentment. Loved ones rock. Tender moments enjoyed. Money can't buy love. Home is where the heart is. Spirituality. True wisdom. Balanced energy. Reflections of kindness. Dancing beneath the waterfall. Dreams are fulfilled. Positive feelings. Adding color to life. Peace and comfort. Love thy neighbor. Good surroundings. Family circle sealed. End to a long cycle. Showered in affection. Emotional bliss. A wish is granted. Happiness. A rainbow after the storm. Togetherness. Enjoying the simple things. Sweet endearments. Radiant light flows.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Ace of Swords: Clarity. Completely fresh. Change of mind. New light. Clear communications. Integrity. Vision. Honesty. Information. A hero. It is what it is. The champ. Answers. Taking the lead. Truth shall set you free. Honor. Seed of intention. Decisions based on what is known. Data delivered. Healing. Step toward victory. The birth of an idea. Power. A new beginning. Reachable goal. Head over heart. Ready for the test. A light turns on. Potential is available. Stronger than before.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Temperance: Moderation. Balance. Blending the negative with the positive. Level-headed experience and advice. Going with the flow. Being a good sport. Patience. Taste the rainbow. A bridge between heaven and earth. A child from the heavens. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Angelic. Healing. Spirit and matter connects. Intuition. Improvements. Living the simple life. Wisdom. Gratitude. Appreciation. Your inner gypsy. Charitable returns. Movement. Spiritual peace. Walls removed. Energy flows. Optimism. Been there, done that. Self-realization. Choosing the middle ground.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Queen of Cups: Inner guidance. Serenity is near. Motherly advice. Attracting sincerity. Calmness. Reaching out to another. A helping hand. Listen to your heart. Dreaming of a better way. Trusting loyalty. Solutions for love. Dedication. Love is all you need. Stillness in required. Romance. Gentle self-cleansing. Logic serves no purpose. Embracing sexuality. Wholeness. Healing. Caring. Disappearing in sleep and mediation. Heart on a sleeve. Scars mend. Inner movement on firm ground. Natural alternatives. Receiving a better understanding. Be vulnerable.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: The Star: Hope arrives. Faith revived. Times become friendlier. It's all downhill now. Socializing. Inspiration. Volunteering. A new friend. Finding a reason. Shine. Assistance. Inner guidance. Crystal clear. Believing in life. A new perspective. Clear vision. No resistance. Earth Angel. The universe opens. Spiritual Love. Belonging. Twinkling eyes. Invitations. Help is near. Paying it forward. Brainstorming. Trusting insight. Optimism. Inhaling fresh air. Signs appear. Balance. A new day begins. Renewal. Wish upon a star. Pursuit of happiness.

Intuitive astrology tarot readings with Suzi Dronzek, with personalized insight , guidance and direction for relationships, love, work, and life. For more info, call (724) 832-9283 or visit ©1995-2014 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+  | Tarot artwork from ©1991 Robin Wood Used with Permission.


Ring of Fire | Lunar Eclipse, Uranus Sun Opposition


Removal for Renewal