Reinventing Harmony

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogTrickster Mercury retrograde re-enters liberating Aquarius Wednesday morning, March 4, while loving Venus moves from fiery Aries into earthy Taurus, later that day. We could find ourselves reaching toward our relationships, in order to bring a sense of comfort, beauty, and support with Venus in Taurus.

The challenge that we might experience in sharing ourselves, is the way that we may (or may not) communicate our most truest intentions. We’re continuing to step in reverse with Mercury in Aquarius, where it’s wise to pause before moving forward - to remember and review - to recorrect prior mistakes and misunderstandings.

Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with the wind. Hamilton Wright Mabie

We’re re-entering a space that is bound to be filled with frigidness and one-sided opinions… but we still have the opportunity to expect the unexpected, the finicky and the rebellious. We can use this Aquarian Mercury energy to re-think our way outside of the box, to re-analyze issues, re-invent new ways and solve problems that help us to get back on our journey.

Starcana weekly tarot insight: Realizing how much work is required, our heart isn’t into it. [SevenPentacles/ChariotRx]

Signals are bound to get crossed during Mercury retrograde, but this week’s unsatisfied Venus/Saturn square on Tuesday March 3 and the distracted Venus/Uranus conjunction on Sunday March 8 could enhance the uncomfortableness, magnifying sensitivities and vulnerabilities with the powerfully-charged Full Moon early next week.

The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Aristotle

Putting this all together; think about the mistake that you may have experienced. Observe where interferences could have been intercepted; causing a fumble in communications. To re-focus, while being honest with our intention - we can re-create the situation. In doing this, we can be an expression of stability and dependability for those we love and trust… but more importantly, we become strong and reliable for ourselves. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Realizing how much work is required, our heart isn’t into it. [SevenPentacles/ChariotRx] Check out your March 2020 Tarot Card Horoscope! And as a reminder, we spring forward into Daylight saving time on Sunday, March 8.

Client Review (Thank you L.B.!) that I finally made some time to post onto my Testimonial page! All I can say is BLOWN. AWAY!! Finding employment has been nearly impossible for almost two years now. Despite having a degree and years of experience, I’ve faced nothing but rejections. Today, I received an offer for my dream career. HR mentioned that there hundreds of applicants and most with more degrees and work-experience! Get a load of this, KnightCups appears to be the CFO and who went to bat for me over the other numerous candidates and delivered the Offer today. The SixPentacles, I think = I now work for one of the largest Rescue Missions in the state; the /Priestess, I know that’s me! I’ve been meditating and practicing the LOA daily for the past two years! Also, I could not believe it when you stated my exact meditation verbiage above!! Another tarot reader also pulled the H.P for me last year and mentioned that I have a strong ability to manifest and ‘conjure’ things up. You’re the real deal!! Thank you for sharing your gifts!” L.B. from CA

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March 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope