A Desire For All or Nothing | Astrology Horoscope, October Tarot Horoscope

A Desire For All or Nothing | Astrology Horoscope, October Tarot Horoscope

Hi there, hope you had an enjoyable weekend! The lovely Moon is returning back to her natural home in comfy Cancer on Monday October 1, encouraging us to settle into domestication and creative moods. With sensitivities rising, driving the start of this new week.. working with awareness and self-control may prove to be beneficial in understanding where our hopes and our fears tend to be leading us.

If we're unsure of the mystical signs and cosmic influences that dare to speak to us, it would be wise to stay mindful of our obsessive commands and demands under the challenging Mercury/Pluto square on Tuesday September 2.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. Lao Tzu

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In our attempt to hold on to what gives us power, or to let go as a way to heal with transformative Pluto direct, Venus, the planet of love, will station retrograde in intense Scorpio on Friday October 6 to the middle of November. We'll be reconsidering our values, relationships and money, through re-estimation, redesign and reconciliation with ourselves, with others, or perhaps with our material possessions. As indulgent Venus transits obsessive Scorpio, how much sex, inner depth, heart and serenity will we be willing to receive and share - when unresolved desires, ex-lover's and dark temptations from our past show up unannounced? Starcana weekly tarot: Weakness is a valuable tool. [StrengthRX/EightPentacles]. Have a peaceful week,  Suzi ❤️

Personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance are available with Suzi Dronzek, by phone & email. Hours: Mon-Fri 10a-6pm EST, and Evenings til 8pm on Mon & Tues. at: 724-832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. | I'm Social! Facebook | Facebook Page Twitter LinkedIn | Support My Writings

Monthly Tarotscopes, A Monthly Tarot Horoscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Forecasts


October 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscopes is a monthly 'one tarot card' horoscope. I share some basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual sun sign. For insight that is more personalized and detailed, I'm available for a 'one-on-one' private consultation birthday readings. Or try my ‘three card’ tarot spread for something a little more insight:

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.


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 ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: King of Cups:  Listen. Intuition speaks. Creative expression. Acceptance. Self-control. Step back. Allow unseen forces to happen. Trust your heart. A new calm approaches. Forgive. Release the need to control the situation. See what happens. Listen well. Compassion. Love. Be gentle, to attract. Kindness invites. New creative project. Stabilizing wall of emotions. Dream. Allow possibilities. An open heart. Consideration. Tolerance. Power of love. Use the whole box of crayons.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: The Lovers: Beauty is reflected. Love. All is in perfection. The test of sincerity. A new bond. Harmony. Things couldn't be any better. Creating trust. You like what you see. Someone comes along that encourages a feeling of commitment. Integration. Honor and respect. Freedom from emotions. Healing in relationships. Finding the missing piece to the puzzle. Strong feelings begin to develop. Light and dark. Searching through another to find ourself. A friendship begins. The best of both worlds. A very important decision must be made that will determine a new path. Balance. Harmonious choices. Someone comes along to be by your side. A relationship that has worked hard to jump hurdles. Love and respect. A trusted partnership. Attending to be of assistance to another. Wholeness. A meeting of the minds. Communications are crystal clear. Blending the unthinkable. Speaking the same language. Healing connection. Someone's got your back. The power of communication. Ready to make amends. Coming out of the closet. Reuniting with others.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Seven of Cups: Illusions. Fantasy. Seeing a mirage. Dream about a world that is hoped for. Head in the clouds. Over-active imagination. Spiritual realms. Living in a bubble. Lost. Direction and goals are unclear. Going with the flow. Ignoring reality. Careless. Seeing something that doesn't exist. Making wishes. Creating intention. Mystical experience. Psychic abilities. More wishful thinking. Relying solely on intuition. Something doesn't make sense, but who cares. Romantic expectations. If it's seems too good to be true, make it a double. Escapism. Filling emptiness with dreams and desires. In love. Wishing on a star. Counting on your lucky charms.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Page of Wands: A journey awaits. Overwhelmed with energy. A need to act. Jittery. Can't sit still. Find creative sources to move forward. Sudden life change. Advancing into the unknown. Faithful. Discover a new direction. Relocating. A new friend. Travel companion. Energy sparks a brilliant idea. A trip. Successful endeavor. Insight illuminated. Favorable shift. Loyalty. Much needed vacation. Fun. Enthusiasm. Climbing the ladder. An admirer. Dealing with emotions. Facing fears. Courageous risk. Taking the first step. Burning memories. Delivering on good intentions. Child-like vitality. Naive eagerness. Daring. Fresh optimism. A lucky break. Create a new passion.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: The High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and listen. Information revealed, but may be clouded. Urged to be patient as details present themselves. See beyond the obvious. An older woman with a mysterious agenda. Be a guardian of your unconscious. Respect what you sense. Use practicality and good judgment. Benefit from introverted energy. Trust intuition. Subconscious influences becomes a guide. There is more much happening beneath the surface. Possible psychic breakthrough. Secrets. Not all can be seen. The time is not right to act. Pay attention to memories or details that may have been overlooked. Mystical potential. The unknown speaks. See beyond the veil. Illusions exist.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Knight of Wands Embracing an alternative route. Understanding the journey, rather than the arrival. Change of residence. Challenge accepted. Creation. Fresh beginning. Envisioning the unknown. Action rather than thought. Excitement. A new person arrives. Advancing forward. An ally brings new view. Journey. Friend adventures. Flights. Movement. Relocation. Absence. Adding on to a story. Ready for the hunt. Energy shifts.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Knight of Swords: Cleverness. Negotiations. A calm approach. Heroic action. Creative problem-solving. Sharp. Crystal clear. New insight. Fearless approach. Solutions. Hypothetical concepts. Analyzation. Strategic proposal. A new game plan. Shrewdness. Charmed grace. The power of words. Quick mind. Less is more. Friendliness. New information. Assumptions. Seeking advice. Say what you mean. Righteous anger. Honoring your belief. Gallantry. Seeking triumph over opposition. Wit.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity. Blessings. Common sense. Having a good head on your shoulders. Healthy. Common sense. Trust and self-respect. Supportive. Willing to gently bend. Well-being. Centered. In tune with nature. Luxury. Surrounded with nice things. Magnificence. Opportunity for growth. Building earnings. Ability to give and take. Generosity. Extreme comfort. Business smarts. Loving. Security. Reaching a good place. Mother nature. Work improves. Spiritual enrichment. Wisdom. Good decisions. Respect for life and others. Noble, honorable soul. Calm awareness. Corrections with love.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Seven of Pentacles: Interesting news arrives. Settling. Results of efforts due. Manifestation begins. Success or failure based on what has been invested. Something comes along to help thyself. Reorganization. Financial lessons. Material progress. Personal development. Growth. Money. Rewards near. Hidden treasure. Profit through adjusting. Holding the tools for success. Wealth. Responsibility required. Stamina. Wisdom received. Harvesting the seeds that have been sown. Waiting to reap. Ingenuity. Successfully dealings. Adding on to what you have already own.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Temperance: Moderation. Balance. Blending the negative with the positive. Level-headed experience and advice. Going with the flow. Being a good sport. Patience. Taste the rainbow. A bridge between heaven and earth. A child from the heavens. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Angelic. Healing. Spirit and matter connects. Intuition. Improvements. Living the simple life. Wisdom. Gratitude. Appreciation. Your inner gypsy. Charitable returns. Movement. Spiritual peace. Walls removed. Energy flows. Optimism. Been there, done that. Self-realization. Choosing the middle ground.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Page of Cups: Flexible emotions. Flip-flopping. Gentleness of the heart returns. Serenity received. Calm is offered. Attempting to find a way in. Helping hand. Smiling. Carefully relaxing. Forgiveness. Unstable emotions. Moving past blocks. A friend arrives. What happened doesn't matter. Flowing forward. What you see, isn't what you get. Only the moment matters, not yesterday of the future. Foggy. If it' sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Positive blend. Fantasy. Sweetens with sugar. Display of kindness. Reflection. Charmed. Unreal. The heart speaks. Generosity. Giving of ourselves. Reaching out. Someone from the past returns. Listen well. Optical illusion.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight:  Nine of Wands: Preparation. Caution. Waiting for the cart to tilt. Believing that thing could still go wrong. Difficulties may exist. High energy. Resisting purification. Priorities. The war continues. Stand for a purpose. Fighting for a reason. Hidden enemies. Taking more than needed. Closure waits. Coming to an end of a journey. Deception. Organizing. Instincts. Boomerang. Validation. Anticipation. Obsessed with success. Ego. Control. Direction through inner process.

Suzi Dronzek is available for professional & personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance, through phone sessions and email consultations. Call (724) 832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com | ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+ Subscribe | Facebook Twitter | LinkedIn | Donate ©1991 Robin Wood Tarot Images used with permission.


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