Capricorn New Moon, Forming Structure To Emotional Investments, Capricorn New Moon, Plant Seeds of Intention, Astrology for January 11, 2013
Today's cosmic event is this afternoon's New Moon, which is a powerful day for us to relax in our own vibrations - so that we may imagine, dream, and make wishes that feed our soul. Under the Dark Moon Goddess, add silence and stillness into the day. By doing so, we can reserve some of our precious energy, to bring enhancement to the creation of our thoughts and emotions.As the Capricorn Sun (father) and Capricorn Moon (mother) conjunct and come together at 2:44pm eastern time, the powerful energy that we've contained in our heart and in our ego, will connect and harmonize. It is encouraged that we write and send out 'well-planned' intentions, when this energetic timing is most vibrant. And the word 'well-planned' is vital, because if the information that we send to the universe is not carefully thought through - we may no fully appreciative what is received. I'm an old gal who will tell you: 'be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it'.. especially with the air is quite potent now.In perfect love and perfect trust.With the amount of liveliness sparking in Capricorn energy, it is most beneficial to create our intentions by planting seeds that Capricorn rules; business, career, status, ambition, tradition, power, finances, governing, home, property, family, manufacturing, security, and protection. With the spirited Sun, emotional Moon, communicative Mercury, supportive Venus, and transformative Pluto in the element of earth - we're bound to experience a much more powerful shift toward spiritual growth and physical manifestations. The Capricorn energy can increase our need to be much more responsible with where we are investing our emotions. As we build new emotional structure, we will prioritize, and connect with what/who matters most. So if you are participating with this cosmic development, stay realistic, remain practical, and dedicate yourself by working WITH the heavens.The New Moon is a time to embark on a new emotional cycle. Whatever restrictions or struggles that we have have come up against, we can utilize in ways to face our own weaknesses or failures - to understand the importance of adjusting our sensitivities, and our approach. Rejoice in this new cycle, as this clean-slate can open a new emotional chapter, that writes a new ending to our story.We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs. Gloria SteinemThink back to some of the emotional experiences that you've been faced with in the last few months, as the energy from the November eclipse can vibrate up to three to six months. What has been chaotic and majorly rocking your world? The eclipse is about releasing, letting go, and transformation. Like when the butterfly finally accepts her wings, she frees from the safety of her cocoon. By choosing to hang on to her comfort zone, she limit herself. Only by spreading our wings, can we know our potential and follow its calling. If this makes sense, know what you genuinely need… to understand what must shift INTERNALLY, to heal and transform.
To add insight from using the tarot, you may have an interest in reading the January 2013 Tarotscope, or take a look at the Devil card. The Devil is associated with Capricorn, which can help us to understand our obsession to certain attachments, that can limit us from growth. We can also observe the World card, which is associated to Saturn, Capricorn's ruler. When we are fully aware of our own limitations with life and happiness, by understanding our own inner demons - we can break the chains that bind us into our own individual darkness and internal hell.The only devils we have to worry about are the ones running around in our own hearts. GandhiWhen placing intentions out, we should pay attention to our thoughts and our feelings. If we aren't, they will lead us into direction, when we should be leading them. Like the dark Moon, embrace your shadow side, rather than being afraid of it. When we know our emotions through self-analyzation, we can understand our behavior. Darkness will naturally bleed into light, while light bleeds into darkness. What had left us handicapped in life, work, our relationships, etc - miraculously heals by the grace of the heavens. Through determination, commitment, and acceptance of our true being, we can conquer the great mountain within. When we accomplish this, we will know the true meaning of happiness and success, from an awakened world that is based on truth, loyalty, honor, and respect. May your New Moon experience be blessed with the truest riches of the world.Connect. Friend. Subscribe.
Suzi Dronzek, Intuitive Consultant, shares insight through her writings, and through her personalized phone/email readings. For more info, call (724) 832-9283 or visit ©1995-2013 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+Tarot artwork from ©1991 Robin Wood Used with Permission.