Cosmic Dirt Astrology, August 20, 2012

Afternoon storm clouds move in as Luna squares Pluto rx, and oppose Uranus rx. We may need to consider getting out of our own way, as shadows from our past rise to haunt us. Spend quality time within yourself, to seek where these feelings are coming from. Make amends with it, then let it go. Shortly after, opportunities exist as the temperature rises considerably as Sun sextile fireball Mars. Confidence and courage come to our rescue as will and ego harmonize. This energy is encouraging so that we may charge ahead and live in the moment. Hold tightly onto the reins, as this is powerful life-changing energy that we should drive toward a positive place. With the Moon shifted into Libra today, we may feel that this is the perfect prescription to create our balance. “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours". Wayne W. Dyer. Tarot insight [EightCups/Justice] You've survived the storm.Personalize  ♥Subscribe  Follow


Cosmic Dirt Astrology, August 21, 2012


Cosmic Dirt Astrology, August 19, 2012