Cosmic Dirt Horoscope, January 13, 2012, 'Having Our Cake n' Eating it Too', Venus trine Saturn
Venus (values, love, money) trines Saturn in Libra (enemies, personal and professional partnerships), and a promise to 'scratch each other's back' comes into manifestation. Favorable opportunities exist in finances and romance today. Loyalty and trust bloom because of dedication to create it. Existing bonds can be strengthened, while genuine friendships are formed. Our true reality appears before us.As Mercury (thoughts, communications) conjuncts spiritual Pluto, our words and approach become naturally magnetizing as we communicate our ideas. Before speaking, have patience and listen well. Say what needs to be said, in order to move forward. As Venus conjuncts imaginative Neptune, the universe displays a unique style in delivering what we yearn for. Values become blurred as we are presented with a delicious temptation. Hmm... should we simply give in and enjoy a little fun, or should we search for some inner discipline? Virgo Moon gently reminds us to choosey of what comes our way. Quality over quantity. The blur may feel a bit too good, which entices us to ditch our responsibilities. Romance, music, and poetry anyone? "Sometimes you don't need a goal in life, you don't need to know the big picture. You just need to know what you're going to do next!” Sophie Kinsella. Tarot guidance from King of Wands, Ten of Swords rx: We're able to save what might have been lost.Suzi Dronzek, intuitive astrologer & spiritual mentor; is available for personalized readings Monday-Friday, from 10am-8pm EST, at 1.67 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc accepted. Call: 724-832-9283. Subscribe to the latest cosmic dirt: ©1995-2012 Starcana Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+