Cosmic Dirt Horoscope, January 23, 2012, Inner Fight for Flight ~ Aquarius New Moon, Star Tarot, Mars Retrograde
It's time to send out our new intentions as Luna (in Aquarius) forms an empowering conjunction with Sun (in Aquarius). Today's New Moon is a time that we take on life and our situations with a whole new emotional cycle. For the next few weeks ahead, this new attitude is highlighted in the sign of Aquarius, represented by the humanitarian and the mental pioneer. We should feel a fresh need to stretch beyond our mental capacity, so that we may try alternative options, so that we may open our mind, our heart, and our life direction. By doing this, we can release our fears by rebeling against what other's opinions that limit our potential.Although the New Moon in Aquarius encourages independence and truth, our intentions may not be in total agreement as to how others think we should live. This is our chance to live and experience our own life, through our own eyes, and through our own truth. Doing what is right for ourselves is not always easy, because each of us have our own path and own choices. If we follow the truth of facts and reality ~ sought through genuine research ~ we will have more information to create a happier and peaceful future. When we reject our own path and dreams, we end up living our life for others.. therefore becoming lost in life and losing ourselves.So our intentions should explore our spontaneous nature and the unthinkable. We should dare ourselves to live life the way we choose to live it. As you create your individual way, keep in mind that we should be stepping back from the normal routines and worn-out patterns, to design own individual needs. Embrace the Aquarian New Moon to discover (or to possibly re-discover) the faith that you have in yourself and your potential. New Moon intentions receive a nice boost as Mercury (communications) trines Mars (energy). (The links include other articles I wrote on the topic for your convenience and/or interest to grow). What we think and express, flows smoothly and manifests harmony. Figure out a new way to courageously go the extra distance for what your heart bleeds for.The cosmos are here to help us grow Pluto in Capricorn (foundation, reputation) is removing decay to regenerate our higher be-ing. Uranus in Aries (self, identity) is awakening us to who we really are. Neptune in Aquarius (hopes, dreams, wishes) has been inspiring us to be the 'bigger person'. Saturn in Libra (relationships) is been providing us with tough lessons to improve our connections with others, as well as with ourselves. It is time for us to recognize and embrace our inner rebel, to challenge what society and others think is best for us. We are to defy our own inner fears, to break free from the limitations that we have created for ourselves.We must ALWAYS be kind and mindful (conscious or aware) of our words and actions. Whether we mean to, or not, we always affect those around us, which is why it is so important to communicate with positivity and never intentionally hurt another.With this beautiful New Moon event, Mars also stations this evening, to prepare for his three month REtrograde cycle. This is the planet of energy and action, and in retrograde (appearing to be in REverse), this period stalls movement and further advancement in our present - so that we reverse our steps and actions taken. During the next three months, we get a second chance to correct our path, by correcting ourselves first and recharging our batteries. We are to REturn to our inner self, to heal and make right. We are to learn how to burn our internal energy more efficiently. Quality, rather than quantity.Mars retrograde can cause us to blame others, when they do not rearrange and change their lives FOR us. We want control, but we end up trying to control others, rather than ourselves. Anger and fiery frustrations turn on us, and we fire back at whoever is in the way. If we reject this healing period to change within, then we can not change our outer world. We must become the change we want to see in the world, FIRST. Be aware and conscious of what's happening inside of us first, before reacting. The only way that we can control the world around us, is to have control of our own mind and behavior.Aquarian New Moon Affirmation: 'The Light and the Love within me, bows and honors to the Light and the Love within you'.
For the New Moon Tarot for today's astrology, if we were to use the tarot, it would look something like this: The Tower reversed (Mars retrograde), and The Star (Aquarius) upright. Noticeably, something is not 'right' or stable with the world (The Tower) that we have been building. Blaming others (Mars retrograde) may satisfy your ego… but it wastes precious energy and time if we fail to recognize our own fault, because we have been very active in what we have been building. Everything that we have invested into, is about to come crashing down - but a delay happens - giving us a little extra time to decide what we allow to crumble, and what we can possibly salvage. We can use this time to better our own personal and professional skills. If we want a more stable home, a trusting relationship, a healthy body, a productive business, or to stand with integrity ~ then we must enhance our own life skills and responsibilities FIRST.With Mars retrograde in the sign of Virgo for the next three months, we are encouraged to take care of ourselves first. To learn through self-study, so that we may be an example to show others the way. Virgo represents our health, work, and service to others. Our own well-being must be in good shape, before we can be of true service to help others. Create a healthy balance. If we work on our own healing during the Mars retrograde, we bloom into The Star. The inner fight fades, which allows us to release arguments, fights, and anger. We can use our energy more productively, to build a happier world. The Star is naked, for she has nothing to hide and represents the truth. The Star asks us to take care of ourself, so that we can be ourself. We have nothing to give but ourselves. Our word, our support, and our loyalty finally evolves, to produce the perfect friendship to maintain the perfect love. “People aren't born good or bad. Maybe they're born with tendencies either way, but its the way you live your life that matters.” ~Cassandra Clare. Tarot guidance from Nine of Swords rx, The Chariot rx: Our own ignorance misleads us. Facebook | Twitter | Subscribe by Email or RSS feed | LinkedIn | Google+ | Contact |Suzi Dronzek, intuitive tarot astrologer; is available for personalized readings Monday-Friday, from 10am-8pm EST, at 1.67 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc accepted. Call: 724-832-9283. ©1995-2012 Starcana Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+ The Star and The Tower © Robin Wood 1991 Used with Permission.