Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Monday April 4, Surrender to the Absolute, Neptune enters Pisces

Emotions are stabilizing as Luna grounds herself in the earthly grasslands of Taurus. We're emotionally stronger and protected when it comes to our vulnerabilities, and we're staying productive so they can't get the best of us. Yesterday's New Moon in Aries is still powerful in 'I Feel, therefore I am', although her energy is decreasing, so work on those intentions if you haven't done so. It's time to find AND fight for your true self. If you're unsure about what to do with all the energy that is firing up in the sky (or in your life), you may have an interest in my latest post: 'Brain Farts, Creative Blocks, and Limitations from Intimidations' for New Moon Tarot Affirmations.Compassionate Neptune enters dreamy Pisces for the next fourteen years. Neptune is an outer and more distant planet, so her travel and gifts are much deeper and long-lasting. Since 1998, Neptune has been swirling her magical imagination with Aquarius' futuristic intellect - creating a magical mixture of fogginess, addictions, and mysterious illnesses, to create credibility in visions, spirituality, and the power of natural healing and belief. If you look at your natal chart and the house that is ruled by Aquarius, you may relate to some of the things that shifted or 'morphed' in your life, that may have unexpectedly left you feeling mentally overwhelmed and confused, or overemotional and guilty. This could have created foggy illusions, unique communications between heaven and earth, a vulnerable immune system with unexplained mystery illnesses, belief in magic and illusions, love over the computer, victimization of the weak-minded, toxic endings, sexual fetishes, denial of reality, mentally sluggish, looking for love in all the wrong places, neglecting your spirituality, lethargic complaints, trust in technology, restless nervous system, a delusional perspective, reliance on medication and prescriptions, faith in self-healing.As we have developed creatively, emotionally, and spiritually in Aquarius (individuality, organizations, friends, inspirations, faith, intellect, inner courage, independence, like-minded connections, humanitarians, light workers, astrology, new age, mind work).... Neptune takes her magical gifts to swim back into her natural home of Pisces, where her unconditional resources may replenished. She will continue to spread her love, which is as deep as the ocean. A very long cycle ends today, and we have permission to relax, rest and heal with the world that we have created for ourselves. We are settled into karmic consequences, allowing a time to mend and repair their happiness and spirituality, while others are allowed a second chance to get it right. There's a continued flow in love, forgiveness, compassion and healing, in self-help, wellness, dreams, memories, childhood experiences, spirituality, imagination, creativity, and with the darkness. We have to be prepared for others to catch up with our growth, as moldy situations and toxic people begin to float back to the surface. As Saturn scolds and teaches us manners and responsibilities, Uranus rebels to find a better way, Pluto destroys weak foundations, we now have Neptune kissing the boo-boo's away.For myself (my story as it comes to mind), Neptune's visit affected my fifth house of love, romance, fun, affairs, pleasure, social life, children, talents, self-expression, creativity, and abilities. It's the house where we shine, and Neptune blends our shine with her psychedelic magic bag, "morphing" our sparkling talent into something more deeper, meaningful, and radiant. She takes a little of our sunshine (identity) and mixes it with rain (soul) to create our own unique rainbow. A bridge between heaven and earth.For me, and how my 'shine' has been developed - if you have an interest (1) My creativity and degree in art was morphed into a deeper form of imaginative work, as I was introduced to work with the largest and most popular psychic phone companies. I went with the flow, and developed a deeper interest into religion, morals, spirituality, unity, and the connection with the universe - for self-healing but also to help others to heal as well. Then was born in 2002.(2) I grew up with psychic dreams and paranormal activities, this is where all of this began for me, and it was morphed into a bigger dream, which is what I do now, because I know as a child this is what I wanted to do, for I loved the stars and my astrology books and magazines.(3) Growing up in a dysfunctional family, I found my escape through astrology, cards, metaphysics, friends, music, the Beatles, and partying. The Neptune influence felt awesome to numb the pain, but was morphed into healthier healing, where I quit cold-turkey in smoking in 2002, and partying in 2007. Then I took my self-help cleanse a step further by studying yoga and becoming a certified yoga teacher.(4) I became sluggishly selfless and available, too open, too giving, too compassionate, too helpful - while mixed with people who were not of the same level, leading to much hurt and anger, but morphed into enlightenment and awareness, with plenty of love, blessings and protection from the universe.(5) The trust and loyalty that I wanted from 'family' and 'friends', morphed into an unconditional love and a beautiful relationship with the universe.(6) Serving and being assistance to others is who I am. I've always went out of my way to help others since I was a kid. It tore me up inside to be hurt by others, and it was morphed into my work with, as I still get to help others, but I am actually appreciated and compensated for my time and energy.(7) In the late nineties, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, a new and mysterious pain (at that time) with extreme lethargy. I journaled and studied it like I did astrology, linking Fibromyalgia with Uranus, and Neptune with Chronic Fatigue. As a Sensitive, prescriptions just do me wrong - so I've dealt with the symptoms naturally all these years, but eventually morphed into supreme knowledge, self-awareness, and self-healing. And as finish up getting organized, I want to provide personalized yoga classes for people who feel physically limited.I probably told you way too much about me in the last few days, but I hope my stories help others to not feel alone, or to give up hope. So whether you look at my experiences, or follow your own journey of time - you will see that everything (both good and bad) happens for a reason, and takes us to the place that we need to be. It helps us to make mistakes, to grow, to learn, to cry, to laugh, to love, and to awaken to a whole new vision of the world, and I'm seeing rainbows. Today's insight is from Six of Cups and Death: We sort the past, to make way for the new.Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine. Professional intuitive readings with astrology and spiritual tarot @ 1.50 per minute. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-8pm EST, Mc, Visa Amex, Disc accepted. 724-832-9283 ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. For Entertainment only 18+ Readings by Phone or Email | Subscribe | RSSTwitter | FaceBook | LinkedIn


Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Tuesday April 5


Brain Farts, Creative Blocks, Limitation from Intimidation - New Moon Tarot Affirmations, Eight of Swords