Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Monday May 23, Boy Meets Girl - Meet Me Half Way, Venus conjuncts Mars
Venus (desires) conjuncts Mars (energy) early in the wee hours, which produces a pleasant shift in areas of love and money. Something is beginning to move now, so be sure to put yourself into your day. Venus values, while Mars jumps on it. Creative female energy cooperates with logical male energy to balance and produce harmony. Love and sex unite, boy meets girl, so with a little team work today, meeting each other half way, everybody can get what they want. There's a fair trade, choose your poison. Most likely, a move or gesture will be supported in some way. With Venus and Mars in determined and sexy Taurus, we're bound to reach our earthly pleasures for the main course - if we persist and work hard enough. As Saturn retrogrades Libra (ruled by Venus), our dedication and commitment to what we value most is is being tested ~ focusing more so, on our relationship (Libra) with our finances, business partnerships, romantic partners, friendships, family members, and our general connections with others. Saturn's transit through Libra is teaching us how to rebuild foundations with genuine effort, good ethics, fairness, decency, kindness, and good manners. If we can handle what Saturn dishes out, we'll get what we're looking for, and more. It's all about having integrity and moral responsibility, and doing what is right. Today's intellectual Aquarian Moon keeps us intrigued as well as experimental, encouraging us to experience life from a different pair of shoes - rather than our own. Tarot Insight from Four of Wands rx, Eight of Pentacles rx: Afraid to open that door... insecurities leave us doing nothing.Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek provides professional readings as a cosmic consultant, Monday-Friday 12pm noon-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc, Debit, Bank, PayPal accepted. 724-832-9283 ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. For Entertainment only 18+ Sessions by Phone or Email | Subscribe | RSS | Twitter | FaceBook | LinkedIn