Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Monday, November 14, 2011
Our heart center trembles as Luna enters delicate Cancer. We're fragile, yet generously available to others. The day can be favorable for domestic duties, caring for others, and self-nurturing. Genuine hugs score BIG points. As Luna sextiles active Mars and outgoing Jupiter this morning, opportunities exist in the early hours for dealing with work, finances, and responsibilities. We could get lost in ourselves as Moon opposes Pluto this afternoon. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel. “Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen.” Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby. Tarot insight: Nine of Pentacles rx, Six of Swords: We sacrifice our needs for a change in direction.I had such an awesome weekend, as me and my husband had the chance to catch up with my college buddy/soul sista and her fiancé in Pittsburgh. We celebrated 11.11.11, as well as their new engagement. For a memorable keepsake, we scheduled an appointment at Unique Ink Tattoo Shoppe. I was totally blown away by the professionalism, cleanliness, and friendliness of the shoppe and the staff, and just wanted to give them a HOLLA. I definitely recommend them for your ink if you are here in the local area, with a special thumbs up to our new FAVORITE tattoo artist Brian Corley, so be sure to schedule an appointment with him! If you'd like to see my new tattoo design, I've got it posted on Facebook, so come on over and connect with me.Suzi Dronzek is an intuitive astrologer, providing professional readings by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc. Call: 724-832-9283. Subscribe by email, rss. Connect on: twitter, Facebook, linked in, google+ ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+