Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Saturday April 16, Local Fundraiser Tonight!
The day continues to build temperamental energy as we draw closer to tomorrow's Full Moon.. so depending on our own individual life situations or birth charts, some of us may experience more waves than others. The Moon will enter Libra in the wee morning hours, helping us find balance as we seek logic to detach from sensitivities. It's favorable energy for researching new information, conceiving fresh ideas, socializing, and networking. The later half of the day we could see shifts being created as Moon squares sheltered Pluto, opposes restless Mars, and conjuncts cautious Saturn. Insight from the King of Wands rx and Nine of Swords: Difficulties happen to test our strength.If you're in the area, stop in at the Harrison Room in Harrison City tonight ~ where I'll be participating in a local fundraiser for Penn Trafford's Midget Athletic Association. There's going to be plenty of food and drink to enjoy, a chinese auction table, and entertaining fun! I'll be doing ten minute readings for fifteen dollars between 7pm-10pm. Hope to see you there!Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine. Professional intuitive readings with astrology and spiritual tarot @ 1.50 per minute. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-8pm EST, Mc, Visa Amex, Disc accepted. 724-832-9283 ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. For Entertainment only 18+ Readings by Phone or Email | Subscribe | RSS | Twitter | FaceBook | LinkedIn