Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Saturday March 19, Letting Go, Virgo Full Moon
A Full Moon beams brightly in earthy Virgo this afternoon, bringing our intentions to the forefront that were placed back on New Moon of March 4. Our emotional needs are illuminated by the way we handle ourselves. Hidden information, secrets, and answers that we have been seeking come to us effortlessly. Everything comes to light during the Full Moon, all is exposed, and we should have gratitude for what is received, no matter how big or how small.What has not been of assistance to us during our growth, we also let go during the Full Moon - which can be a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual release. We've received our fill, our blessing, and so we can purge. What would you like to let go of now, that has not benefited you to achieve your goals? We can them, and recycle them. Get a piece of paper and write down what you need to dispose of. This will be your Full Moon Cleanse. What you decide to release can be quick labels of just one or two words that are directly to the point, or you can write more emotion onto this paper. Again, the information that we are concentrating on is what we are choosing to let go. Once you have finished with this, take your paper(s) and rip it into tiny shreds and place it into a large ashtray or stainless steel pot. Light the paper to burn with a lit match. You can use a lighter, I prefer matches because they are more natural. Watch what has been of no use to you disintegrate into small flames until there is no more. Meditate as you watch it all burn away, while saying '_________ is no more, _________ is no more', Experience it all leaving you. Take a good five minutes in stillness, meditating. Purge, release, and cleanse. One everything has turned to ash and cooled (you can add a little water if needed to be sure it is safe), take your ashes and a fork with you outside. Using the fork, gently plow a very small area on the west side of your residence, and place the cooled ashes into the soil, and then cover them with soil. Repeat one more time, '_________ is no more, _________ is no more'. This isn't yours anymore. Let it go.Shortly after, the Moon will shift into light and airy Libra, so try to be aware of the feeling of weightlessness. Emotionally we are encouraged to intellectualize what we experiencing, rather than reacting. The Full Moon will oppose rebellious Uranus, so whatever we may be feeling, it should feel natural to be wanting to distance ourselves from our emotions. Uranus needs fresh air, inspiration, and more than what we are settling for. As Uranus transits Aries, we're doing this for ourself, as it's a power urge. You can think of this as a reminder as you do your Full Moon Cleanse.In Home Yoga Instructor: Study Personally, I had used the New Moon's healing energy in Pisces to focus on accomplishing my goal during my last week of a nine month teacher training course in yoga. This journey was all about me, since I am always busy helping others. Now with the Full Moon in grounded Virgo, The light brightens, awakening me to what I am capable of doing. I am able to take what I have learned and attained in yoga study, to stabilize the powerful healing waters for my own personal growth, as well as professionally. Virgo rules our work, how we serve others, analytical pursuits, pets, and health. With the Full Moon, it is cycle of harvest - to analyze what we have sown, and what we have reaped. Through all the work that I have been investing into my studies, I have managed to pass my test to become a certified yoga teacher. I plan on continuing this path as it has been a good direction for me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Mind, body, and spirit. The sixth house is Virgo's natural home, and with fortunate Jupiter and inspirational Uranus in there for me, I will be interested to see where this all takes me. I would eventually like to concentrate on generating some individualized classes, but Uranus is finicky and change her mind at any given moment, so I simply go with the flow. As Saturn retrogrades and transits my first house (physical body, first impressions), this will all help to gel what I learned into a life long healthy habit, so that I can share my knowledge with others to do the same. My certification and determination to work hard proves I am capable, so what is not beneficial and must 'be gone' and cleansed is my own nervousness and self-doubt. Hopefully as I share my own experiences, things might make more sense for you. Good luck! For more information regarding my In Home Gentle Yoga Lessons, and Classes, contact me. Today's insight is from The Star and Nine of Cups: We sparkle, and life sparkles back at us.Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine. Professional intuitive readings with astrology and spiritual tarot @ 1.50 per minute. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm EST, Mc, Visa Amex, Disc accepted. 724-832-9283 ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. For Entertainment only 18+ Readings by Phone or Email | Subscribe | RSS | Twitter | FaceBook | LinkedIn