Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: September 11, 2011, United we stand, divided we fall.
We should find ourselves in an upbeat mood as we generously share ourselves with others as Moon sextiles Jupiter rx. The gift of love has many returns for us, whether we're making a monetary donation, lending a helping hand, contributing helpful knowledge, or sharing a story, a smile, or a listening ear. With the Moon in Pisces, we're much more reflective, soft-hearted, and understanding.In remembrance of September 11, let us remember all who had fallen; the victims, the families, and the world... but also the heroic angels who selflessly gave of themselves to pick up the pieces for us. Honor every beautiful soul with the very same inspiration that they had all given us, to motivate our spirits to rise and unite us as one. The very same teamwork and unity that was re-discovered on that tragic day should rise again today. Time stands still for nobody, so before it's too late.. take a moment to show your fellow brothers and sisters a small gesture of kindness, dedication and love. 'To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.' Marleen Charles de Montesquieu. Tarot insight: Ace of Pentacles rx, Eight of Pentacles rx: It's such a waste of energy to not try.Suzi Dronzek, visionary and intuitive astrologer, provides professional consultations and spiritual guidance by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc. Call: 724-832-9283. Mingle on: twitter, facebook, linkedin, google+ ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+