Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: September 27, 2011, Karmic Balance, Sweet Justice, Libra New Moon
There's much happening in the cosmos today, and especially during the earlier hours. Our emotions and thoughts are highly active, and this could cause nervous tension, irritability, restlessness, sleep disturbances, or unusual dreams. Shortly after midnight, Luna enters Libra which increases our need to intellectualize what we're experiencing. There's also a change in weather, that causes a rough disruption in the flow of energy and direction as Mercury opposes Uranus rx. We may experience a clash in opinions that can produce some strong, stormy weather. Communications of all sorts may buzz throughout the day, and stress is bound to increase if we hold onto our individual perspectives. With Uranus retrograde in Aries, our approach could be aggressive. Live sparks that are uncontrolled, have the potential of shorting out. Beware of reactive outbursts, bullying, accidental fires, change in plans, technical and electrical issues.The winds of change of upon with the New Moon in Libra today. We also have Saturn, Venus, Sun, and Mercury in Libra, boosting our need for fairness and peace. It is suggested that we meditate on the dark Moon as we create our intentions to find inner balance with our outer world. Since Libra rules personal and professional relationships, along with the estranged, and enemies, we can include these areas in our intention for the weeks ahead. A T-square awkwardly unites powerful energy from destructive Pluto, chaotic Uranus rx, and the conjunction with spirited Sun and self-nurturing Moon. To come out on top in this, we need to be realistic and active as to what unhealthy patterns we should be sacrificing. With all the disruption in the air, we have a choice as to how to benefit from all the movement, as we can't escape the winds of change, but we can learn how to create sails for a smoother journey. The higher road would take us on a path of brainstorming to invent alternative solutions for the higher good, while the lesser journey chooses to ignore growth with selfish, rebellious behavior.
With an overwhelmed amount of vibrations in Libra, our thoughts and actions are highly powerful now. Libra, like the tarot card 'Justice', digests all that we've been active in, and what we've been inactive in. The universe is ready to provide us with our just reward. Whether the outcome is positive or negative is important, as we only need to see it as our fair share. It is good intentions, as well as what is necessary to create harmony and balance for the scales of oneness. A good example would be to think of two individuals who create a partnership, whether that be romantic, professional, or general. On one scale we have a partner who invests 80% of their time and energy into the partnership. On the other scale the other partner invests 20%. The scales are obviously unbalanced, and this is what will be creating unstableness, segregation, and departures in our connections. To create a universal balance, something must change - to create fairness and equality. Otherwise, someone will be cheated, and voila.. enemies are created.If we don't want to deal with a major shake-up, then we need to take a realistic look (Mercury in Libra) at our situation. We need to put all our cards on the table and communicate what is most important to us (Venus in Libra), but also what we're willing to work and commit to (Saturn in Libra), to earn what we need. It's time to show others what we stand for, by honoring our word , and becoming the very best partner, friend, parent, colleague, lover, etc, that we could possibly be. And should we break our promise, and slack on pulling our own weight, we reveal our true colors (Sun in Libra) and receive the consequences of karmic justice. 'Hear one side and you will be in the dark; hear both sides and all will be clear'. Thomas Chandler Haliburton. Tarot insight: Seven of Cups, Three of Cups rx: Hoping creates a victim of circumstance.Suzi Dronzek, intuitive astrologer, provides professional consultations and spiritual guidance by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc. Call: 724-832-9283. Mingle on: twitter, facebook, linkedin, google+ ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+