Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Thursday March 3

Imagination and creativity work hand in hand in as Moon conjuncts dreamy Neptune. Be quiet, be still, and listen to the unseen as intuition speaks. Journal your dreams for hidden messages. Luna also enters the reflective waters of Pisces, encouraging us to let go, and to let higher forces lead us into the right direction. Our inner voice speaks naturally, listen to what the music is saying to you. Look for the signs. Opportunities will present themselves as Mars sextiles Pluto later. This unique tag-team spells strength and willpower, and there's passion and sexual energy that is creating that strong urge to act. Mars (energy) is softened in gentle Pisces, charming and magnetic moves. Pluto (release) is strengthened in ambitious Capricorn. By letting go, we can heal, and transform magic into reality. And what perfect timing with the event of tomorrow's New Moon in Pisces. Catch my cosmic scopes on my new facebook business page. Insight received from The World and Four of Wands: 'A promise is fulfilled'. ~StarcanaAside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine using intuitive astrology, spiritual tarot, energy vibrations, etc. Professional readings are available by phone 724-832-9283 and by email, Monday-Friday 10am-6pm EST. ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+


Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Friday March 4, Alternative Sacrifice, New Moon in Pisces


Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Wednesday March 2