Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Thursday March 31
It's a quiet and gentle day in the cosmos... Luna sextiles healing Pluto this morning, with good communications between our deep psychological self and our emotions. Sprinkle that with a little special magic dust from the Pisces Moon, and we are good to go. If you're a new reader, you may have an interest in checking out the latest happenings in my recent posts: Change in Communication with Mercury Rx in Aries.... Respect the Addiction with Venus in Pisces.... Breathe for Today with Sun in Aries. Interesting too, as I went to draw two cards for tarot insight, and I receive the same two cards that I did a few days ago. Normally someone might want to re-draw fresh cards, but I believe we get what we do for a reason. And what are the chances - when there are seventy-two shuffled cards to pick from? This could also be a symbol (again) of two strong leaders in political term trying to sit down and negotiate. Today's insight is from Emperor and King of Cups: Beneath that tough exterior, lies a gentle, caring heart.Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine. Professional intuitive readings with astrology and spiritual tarot @ 1.50 per minute. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-8pm EST, Mc, Visa Amex, Disc accepted. 724-832-9283 ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. For Entertainment only 18+ Readings by Phone or Email | Subscribe | RSS | Twitter | FaceBook | LinkedIn