Jupiter in Gemini Station Direct, Speaking My Mind. Astrology for January 30, 2013
In the last four months, we've been traveling on an inward journey through Jupiter retrograde. Rather than searching for answers and guidance in the outer world, we've been seeking within since October of last year. Jupiter will finally station direct today, and what had been stalled or placed on the back burner - will begin to stir our creative juices. And as this mighty big planet changes direction in the cosmos, things will also begin to vibrate and shift its course here on earth. As above, So below. So in the weeks ahead, the great planet of expansion and philosophy will allow us to take what we've learned about ourselves in the past months, so that we may generously expand out into the world. And let us not forget how to access this fresh source of higher thoughts, beliefs, and consciousness, to help us to 'see' again… as new doors begin to open with ease.The mind is like the wick of a lamp illumined only through its own radiance. MilarepaWith Jupiter's transit through Gemini, we can expect to experience windows of opportunities, good fortune and good news in areas of: communications, writing and publications, advertising and sales, travel, social media, new friendships, finding our voice, brilliant ideas and learning, getting in touch with our religion or belief system, announcing the truth, and the law. As we all benefit in our own way from Jupiter's gracious blessings of positive changes, with goodness and growth… life begins to feel good again.People must help one another; it is nature's law. Jean de La FontaineThe winds of change will scatter good will upon us in abundance. Weather changes can be expected as the air shifts dramatically to gather it's speed and power. Take a look into your chart to see which house will be improved with Jupiter's bountiful offerings. Speak your mind. Ask, and you just may receive. And in the meantime, take advantage of this movement by putting yourself 'out there'. Spread your wings and experience your new redesign on life. In appreciation, give back to pay it forward. There's no reason why we can't help improve the smiles of others too. Spread the joy.Connect. Friend. Subscribe.
Suzi Dronzek is an Intuitive Consultant, who is available for personalized phone/email readings. For more info, call (724) 832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com. ©1995-2013 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+