Love Me No Matter What, Venus enters Pisces, Virgo Full Moon, Cosmic Dirt Astrology February 25
This week begins with an incredibly sensitive Virgo Full Moon, rising Monday afternoon. Gentle rays of Full Moon blessings are illuminated and released. Nothing stays hidden beneath her brilliant light and guidance. What has been unknown, reveals itself. Be alert and pay attention to what is seen, as well as unseen. Since the Aquarian New Moon of two weeks ago, the evolutional energies that we've been conjuring, comes full circle. Truth is delivered. The Moon Goddess provides us with much light on this journey, so that we may acknowledge what is truly genuine and real. As insight and answers arrive, a clearer sense of direction will be available to us.The Full Moon encourages us to put everything that we have 'out there', for it is our time to shine. What we hold onto, as in work and relationships, is encouraged to 'come out' to shine. In Virgo, this mutable energy helps us to emotionally produce order, helping us to learn and grow. By releasing our shine: whether in our work and efforts, or our thoughts and feelings, this Full Moon materializes a physical truth. We get to come back home to our center, and learn something very real about ourselves that determines our direction.“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” Eckhart TolleBut without using this energy to it's full potential, the shadow side of Virgo will be present. We could lead ourselves to over-analyze and worry, while stifling the very things that need to be expressed and demonstrated. In return, we can be reminded of how much weight and worry that we carry on our shoulders. In this heaviness, a concentration on petty flaws could exist, with a reliance on perfection, that can stunt our growth. As information and mixed emotions come to us, gently step back from the lime light to your inner inner guru, to meditate on what has actually been received. With the Sun/Moon opposition, the emotions and ego experience an inner tug of war, so compromise will be necessary in order to maintain some sort of balance.As of Saturday, Virgo's ruler Mercury is retrograde, but we've been under his storm for the past three weeks. Communications, travel, socializing, and learning is influenced in this transit, with the potential of misunderstandings and getting 'our wires crossed'. This also includes our tech toys, computers, faxes, texts, mobiles, vehicles, heavy machinery, and appliances. Special care is required as we transmit information to others, to avoid mistakes and misinterpretations - especially under the magnification of the Full Moon.Also on this Monday is a confused Moon/Neptune opposition, with a Sun/Jupiter square that can challenge the direction that we are leading ourselves into. The ego gains strength and dares us to take control of the steering wheel, while our heart plays the backseat driver who feel unheard. As trickster Mercury rx rubs elbows with fiery Mars on Tuesday, temperatures are sure to rise considerably as communications are stirred and provoked. A plan to correct matters, may translate as a plan to attack. Know what you want to explain, and say it clearly."My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected." Anna M. UhlichAlong with todays Full Moon, Lady Venus exits from the distant work of Aquarius, to experience her needs in dreamy Pisces. For the next four weeks, we'll be hungry for the fairytale romance, love without responsibilities, and the great escape. Venus softens comfortably in Pisces, where we can attract cravings for romance and love affairs, spirituality, the divine, intuition, creativity, music and poetic writings, forgiveness, healings, escapism, colors of the rainbow, and addictions. As Venus conjuncts psychedelic Neptune on Thursday, this can increase our need to fantasize, to melt, and 'to fall…' without a care. We want what we want, and in this cycle, we can probably get it - but at what expense? Venus (values, money, love) in Pisces wants to savor this as heavenly experience. A great importance is based on what we are feeling now, especially as we seemingly emerge into a safe, comfort zone with the recent shift of Sun in Pisces. But we could end up wondering where it all went if we aren't careful, and somewhat responsible (karmic Saturn rx) with Venus in slippery Pisces. Have fun and enjoy these magical vibrations. Just be aware that we'll need to eventually wake up and get back to work...Connect. Friend. Subscribe.
Suzi Dronzek, Intuitive Consultant, is available for personalized phone/email readings, with guidance for life, love, work, and relationships. For more info, call (724) 832-9283 or visit ©1995-2013 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+