Starcana Astrology, August 4, 2012
As we are placed into this dreamy zone with Pisces Moon, our dreams may try to converse with us during sleep. Pay attention and jot down notes that can be remembered for personal messages. As Luna squares Jupiter this morning, we may require more rest that we were aware of, so don't feel too guilty for sleeping in a little later than normal. Moods can be emotionally sensitive under this lunar cycle, allowing us to pick up more energy that we're aware of. Kindness matters. Make it a day of comfort and pleasure. 'The creatures that inhabit this earth, be they human beings or animals, are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world'. His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Tarot insight [NinePentacles, FourWands] You've accomplished what you set out to do. ♥ Suzi Dronzek, Starcana