Starcana Cosmic Dirt, July 28, 2012

Luna pulls us out from Scorpio's darkness, and into the morning as she enters adventurous Sagittarius. Life feels much more comfortable in the light, where we can joyously approach the world with curious eyes. The Sagittarian Moon is favorable energy for frolicking in the sun, good times, while seeing how the other half of the world lives. As Sun conjuncts analytical Mercury retrograde, our interests peak, encouraging us to go out and seek what we are looking for. Travel and short trips prove to be quite interesting today. It's definitely a good day to enjoy the hunt, especially with a few delicious trines to spectacular Sun, friendly Mercury rx, and popular Uranus rx. Unless we find a way to curb our cravings near dinner, a small glitch in overabundance could distract us. Appreciate the day by sharing a piece of your heart. 'Wherever you go, make a decision to represent God'. Philippians 2:5-11. Tarot insight [KingSwords/TenCupsrx] Stray not into murky waters.


Starcana Cosmic Dirt, July 29, 2012


Starcana Cosmic Dirt, July 27, 2012, Website News