Starcana Cosmic Dirt, September 14 2012

We've defended some vulnerable territories over the last few days as Moon prowled her way through righteous Leo. This morning, Luna moves into a less aggressive terrain as she enters earthy Virgo. The Virgo Moon increases a need to organize, which creates order and awareness. This energy is favorable for 'minding our own business', as we take care of our own. Clean and dust,  sift through paperwork, balance the checkbook, meditate, and increase fitness. As Moon opposes lost Neptune, and trines magnetic Pluto. Think about what you are attracting with today's actions (or lack of), that is building your tomorrow. As mentioned in a previous post... 'Know thyself, and take care of your own junk.'. “Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.”Horace Mann. Tarot insight: [TwoSwordsrx/ThreePentaclesrx] Careless opinions are degrading.♥ Suzi Dronzek, Intuitive Tarot Astrologer, provides personalized phone/email sessions to compliment todays forecast. Available Monday thru Friday, 10am-7pm EST. Phone: 724-832-9283 or visit  ©1995-2012 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+


Starcana Cosmic Dirt, September 15 2012, Honor My Inner Sacred Temple, Virgo New Moon


Starcana Cosmic Dirt, September 13 2012