Starcana Cosmic Dirt, September 19 2012, Evolution through Mutilation, Pluto Square Uranus rx
Pluto, (Transformation, Regeneration) stationed direct yesterday after six wobbly months of struggling through the unknown. Today, the Princess of Darkness squares Uranus rx (The Awakener) for the second time this year, where darkness will clash with light, and secrets are challenged by truth. The first explosion was at the beginning of summer while Pluto was retrograde.. where were you at this time? With Pluto stationed direct, we aren't holding back anymore (and no more mr. nice guy). We're ready to do what is necessary to break new ground with Pluto in Capricorn, to produce new heights (Uranus rx). Pluto is our to destroy. Why? As written in a previous article, because we are regurgitating an ocean of toxic emotions. Then we have Uranus disturbing this process with complete defiance, leading us to rude awakenings, while forming a cardinal T-square with Mercury (thoughts, communications), then Sun (ego, identity), in karmic Libra. Change will be created through mind-blowing chaos and the mutilation of old patterns and behaviors... which will more than likely be in both our outer world and our inner. As Moon transits intense Scorpio, we will be emotionally sensitive and on the attack mode. Without the strength of self-control, sensitivities could react and strike out at any moment. "The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail." Lao Tzu.Tarot insight: [KnightCupsrx/Justicerx] Who's accusing who?♥ Suzi Dronzek, Intuitive Astrologer/Spiritual Tarot Advisor provides personalized phone/email sessions to compliment todays message. Hours: Monday -Friday, 10am-7pm EST. Phone: 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2012 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+