The Art of Compromise | Starcana Cosmic Dirt

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogIt will be about relating while trying to create a form of balance under the next four weeks, as Sun (ego, identity) moves from problem-solving Virgo, and into graceful Libra on the Fall Equinox, Monday September 23.  With Sun in Libra, we are led toward the equality of light and darkness, life and death, order and chaos, give and take, and so forth. So as we practice to be fair with ourselves and our needs - we should remember to meet halfway - with others and their needs too.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix

In the attempt to create a level of some stability, there will be a few uncomfortable bumps in the road ahead, with the prickly Venus/Saturn square on Wednesday September 25 and a demanding Mercury/Pluto square on Thursday September 26. Yet, if we can recognize that bump as our own personal journey, and dig deep into the root of our frustrations and ego - we might learn a little something about ourselves, which could help us to better understand others.

If we try to do what is best for everyone involved (rather than think solely of ourselves), we'll be able to utilize and/or benefit from the creative Mercury/Jupiter sextile on Tuesday September 24, and harmonious Venus/Jupiter sextile on Saturday September 28.

Make peace with your broken pieces. Unknown

In giving comfort and peace to ourselves, we can bring comfort and peace to others. Sharing is caring. This can be a powerful mantra for the Libra New Moon on Saturday September 28, as this is a powerful time for creating new beginnings, start-up projects and a fresh approach to an unresolved issue. Bigger points are scored when we make wishes and plant New Moon seeds into areas that involve honesty, justice, equality, peace, general relationships, romantic affairs, professional partnerships and the estranged. Starcana weekly tarot insight: What is hoarded, becomes stale. [FourPentacles/SixSwordsRx]. Create peace. ~Suzi

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