Weekly Cosmic Dirt Forecast 7.07.14

Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology ForecastWith Mercury Direct, we're seeking a better way. We're supposedly able to think and communicate more clearly again, but we're still moving through the effects of Mercury, so caution is advised when using our words and our approach.

There's an uneasy sway between potential and edginess with Tuesday's Sun/Uranus square and Saturn trine. While we may hope to arrive at a much better place than where we are, we may unexpectedly find ourselves in this position, if we are willing to do the work and be the change that we hope to see in others. Without preparation and a lot of flexibility, inner chaos can stand in our way as the cold hard truth proves that life goes on, with or without us. We should also stay on the lookout for changes in our weather system. As shite hits the fan, something is bound to fly.

And despite what we may think, or what we may assume about the findings in our latest realizations, we should be aware that the needs of our heart will be tugged into a different direction. If we aren't already aware of this, we should be as Saturday arrives; as all comes to light with the Capricorn Full Moon. This powerful Moon encourages us to stand with integrity and strength, but with a Jupiter opposition, sensitivities will be magnified, and far-fetched.. Rather than let emotions sway in unhealthy waters, find a productive way to listen your heart, AND theirs.

Tarot Toss: For additional insight into the days ahead, the Four Swords rx & Four Cups rx were drawn. We're still in the process of building security in our lives and our relationships; so we should slow down to look for what is weak and unstable instead. Rather than work hard to chip at thick, ancient walls, take a break, relax and breathe. Think outside of the box to lighten your load and work smarter. Break routines. Find another way. We may assume that we know what we're creating and where we're going, but when the sweaty work gloves are tossed as we rest in the shade with a glass of ice cold lemonade - perspectives are bound to shift. Make it a great week!

Suzi Dronzek is an intuitive problem solver, who provides professional consultations for personalized insight, advice and guidance. Call 724-832-9283 or visit: www.starcana.com. ©1995-2014 Starcana,Inc. All rights reserved. For entertainment only. 18+ | Subscribe to Starcana | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Email Me | 


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