When Darkness Strikes
As thoughts, communications and short journeys continue a funky groove during Mercury retrograde, breakdowns, slippery stumbles and misunderstandings can be experienced. In this tricky cycle, we're encouraged to step back and to pay attention... as we're going to bump right back into some old forgotten memories, unresolved situations and possibly someone who we lost contact with. By observing all of the details, there will opportunity to see where some of the miscommunications and mistakes had originally occurred. And when we locate this critical information - we'll be able to correct what got broke.I'm not afraid of problem-solving. There is always a way. Hanneli MustapartaAs we step back toward the familiar person or situation, we'll be approached by a sark, brewing storm. Restraining ourselves may seem impossible between the altruistic Aquarius Moon and forceful Mars/Pluto square on Tuesday November 5. Intense vibrations could be quite challenging; causing a desperate urge to push, purge and destroy all that holds a greater sense of power and control.
In the attempt to break limitations, we could overstep our own personal boundaries - which is bound to offend, bully or abuse someone else’s personal territory. When darkness strikes, will your inner light lead and create guidance - or will it self-destruct and burn bridges?To notice how a thoughtless action/reaction can be easily misinterpreted and go terribly wrong (especially during Mercury retrograde), promotes awareness and growth. To recognize our own imperfections, and to right our wrongs... not only helps us to know ourselves better, but it helps us to understand others as well.What matters most is how well you walk through the fire. Charles BukowskiThe storm will pass, and a rainbow will appear under the imaginative Pisces Moon, a patient Sun/Saturn sextile, a sympathetic Sun/Neptune trine and healing Saturn/Neptune sextile on Friday November 8. I hope that you'll practice with your creativity this week, as an earthy Full Moon is right around the corner. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Forgiving the situation restores balance. [Judgment/SixPentacles]. Much love. ~Suzi
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