Starcana Astrology | February 13-19

Movement with growth is a possibility with the magickal Venus/Neptune conjunction on Wednesday February 15, an organizing Sun/Saturn conjunction on Thursday  February 16, an understanding Mercury/Jupiter sextile on Friday February 17 and a transformative Venus/Pluto sextile on Sunday February 19.

As we shift toward higher grounds; the powerful Sun will move from resistant Aquarius to selfless Pisces on Saturday February 18. With Sun in Pisces, we’ll be led onto a gentle and compassionate path for the next four weeks; through surrender, acceptance, forgiveness and healing. The shadow of this energy can keep us indecisive, self-deceptive and suffering. May we find the courage to move past the inner turbulence, where freedom and peace can be found. Much love, Suzi

Weekly tarot message: Assuming that difficulty will fix itself. [TwoPentacles/PageSwordsRx]. For more insight, check out your tarot card in the February 2023 Tarotscope, and subscribe to my weekly cosmic writings. Much love. ~Suzi

Gain personalized insight with soulful guidance through an intuitive psychic reading with mystical tarot, astrology insight, divine wisdom, practical advice and spirituality - for life, relationships and the inner self. Consultations are available by phone and email with Suzi Dronzek. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Monday-Friday at: 724-832-9283 | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Cosmic Astrology Horoscope | February 20-26


Astrology Horoscope | February 6-12