Starcana Cosmic Forecast | November 28 - December 4

If we remain consistent with our focus and creativity, efforts can aggressively help tackle and accomplish what needs to be finished and put back into order with the persistent Mars/Saturn trine on Monday November 28. It may seem that being steady and dependable can be a simple process, but we may need to negotiate and re-adjust ourselves under a combative Mercury/Mars opposition and critical Mercury/Saturn sextile on Tuesday November 29… along with an inconsistent Venus/Mars opposition and confused Mercury/Neptune square on Thursday December 1, which includes a successful Venus/Saturn sextile. With an unrealistic Venus/Neptune square on Sunday December 4, something (or someone) might seem a little too good to be true. Slow down, take a step back and listen well - while staying resourceful and creative.

You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one. Tom Kite

After five months in retrograde, imaginative Neptune stations direct on Saturday December 1. We’ll return to where we left off in June, when we experienced a disruption with our dreams, romance, hope, boundaries, spirituality and/or addiction. We had an opportunity to see what we’ve been shaping and molding…. through our hopeful fantasies, and our self-defeating illusions. 

As Neptune shifts direction; surrender, forgive and let go. Visualize a forward flow. Embrace acceptance, art, poetry, meditation, healing and love. Through an abundance of humility, selflessness, empathy and compassion - imagine a new and improved dream - that reconnects and unifies us with a bigger world. Seek beauty. Be magick. Much love, Suzi

Weekly tarot message: Giving up on what fails to grow. [DeathRx/FourCups]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the December 2022 Tarotscope, and subscribe to my weekly cosmic writings. Much love. ~Suzi

Intuitive psychic guidance with tarot readings, astrology insight, practical advice and spirituality - for life, relationships and the self. Available by phone and email with Suzi Dronzek. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Monday-Friday at: 724-832-9283 | ©2022 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+ 


Starcana Cosmic Forecast | December 5 - 11


Tarotscope | December 2022