A Fight for Freedom

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogMars (energy) pulls away from persistent Capricorn; soaring into liberating Aquarius on Monday March 30. As we intentionally loosen our grip - we can open our arms and spread our wings - for a journey into the great wide open.

With Mars in Aquarius during the next six weeks, we’ll have an opportunity to break away from what has remained routine and lacking life. We’ll separate from what others claim to be ‘normal’, aiming for originality and authenticity. As we leap high above boundaries, we can free ourselves from the limitations of ‘fitting in with the crowd’. We can go our own way; discovering how to do life and relationships differently. We're bound to cross paths with fellow seekers and like-minded individuals who also search for purpose and direction. Are you ready to exhale and take that next step?

When we’re not following the crowd and their rules, the result is often chaos. Our yearning ‘to do more’ and ‘to be more’ can unknowingly create a sense of fear; which unintentionally threatens those who have not strayed very far from their tribe's circle. As we dare to rise higher and distance ourselves from what hasn't been working, we’re likely to be blamed for upsetting their ‘solid’ way of being (which actually doesn’t seem too solid or stable). Nonetheless, we become the black sheep, the misfit and the troublemaker.

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. Steve Jobs

So if you’re busy creating positive changes and growth for your own path, by all means - grab onto the steering wheel. But if you choose to grab a hold of someone else’s wheel (instead of your own), know that you are invading another’s personal space - which isn't meant for you.

Expect the unexpected in the weeks ahead. Fly high and be the change that you are searching for. If you happen to run into a speed bump with the cautious Mars/Saturn conjunction on Tuesday March 31, it's a good time to slow down - to dot your I’s and cross your T’s. Make sure all is in order before taking the next step. How do you intend to use your creative energy?

The only Zen you find on tops of mountains is the Zen you bring there. Robert M. Pirsig

Practicing patience and being mindful may still be a bit challenging as Venus (values, love and money) moves from steady Taurus into social Gemini on Friday April 3. We’re craving the enjoyment of fresh air once again. We’re hungry for what is light and friendly; which doesn’t require much work or responsibility. During the next four weeks with Venus in Gemini, it will be fun to flirt with change… just to see what (or who) can be attracted in return. With a stabilizing Venus/Saturn trine and a powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on Saturday April 4, we can trust ourselves and the process wholeheartedly now… realizing what we’re committed to… by what we're willing to let go. Starcana weekly tarot insight: The goal still isn’t crystal clear. [SixSwordsRx/NinePentaclesRx]. Read more in the April Tarotscope.

On a personal note…and turning off the noise. I do hope that you're doing okay, despite all of the unexpected changes that are happening in the world right now. I do pray that you and yours remain healthy. And I hope that you will remember to stay vigilant with improved decision-making. Remember to practice stillness, in order to maintain your inner peace... as this can help to maintain some calm for your loved ones too.

I know for myself, the constant noise and chaotic vibrations have been extremely heavy and distracting. As I take good care myself, I also do what is necessary to protect my energy and sensitivity. This is important for my wellbeing, but it's also essential for my family and business. As an example, the latest thing that I did for myself, was to remove the nonstop buzz... so I had to turn off the 'normal' news alerts on my devices. While I enjoy receiving the latest local and world news, the truth is... these random alerts have been bombarded with 'important' updates regarding the CoVid19 and the rising numbers of death. It's not that I don't care about what is happening, but it's not necessary to be reminded 'all day and several times, every day', about how life is going to get much worse, before it gets better. It's important information to know - but it's too much and too often - especially after observing how in has impacted others; stimulating fear, stress, anxiety and panic all around us.

I personally believe that this kind of energy will only lower our immune system and personal frequency. It’s not healthy for us as adults, and it’s certainly not healthy for children. If you've got kids, be sure to stay connected and talk with them, but more importantly - listen to them. Encourage children to be expressive and creative. It's our job to practice common sense with preventive measures of 'close to perfect' hygiene - so that we can be a good example for them. If we can do this, we can help to relieve the stress... which will give us more time to focus on what genuinely matters... ourselves and our loved ones. Peace & love, Suzi

Intuitive readings, personalized advice and soulful guidance are available by phone and email, Monday thru Friday, from 10a-6pm EST. Call: 724-832-9283 or visit my website www.starcana.com. 18+ Entertainment Only.

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April 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope