Growing from the Inside Out | Starcana Cosmic Dirt

Starcana Cosmic Dirt | Intuitive Tarot, Spiritual Astrology Horoscope BlogWelcome to a new week! During the past five months of a restructuring Saturn retrograde, we may have experienced some  detours or tough setbacks in our pursuit of individual goals and personal growth. It was a slow and uncomfortable time of pause, but we were supplied with plenty of time to re-learn, re-work, re-blueprint, renegotiate and to rebuild ourselves - in order to chase our dreams again.

Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Samuel Johnson

On Wednesday September 18, Saturn stations direct in Capricorn - where previous obstacles will begin to fade, while closed doors start to open. We'll be able to move forward and pursue our goals once again - picking up where we were before the retrograde, back in April. The difference this time, is that we should be more confident, much stronger and built on integrity from experiencing a hardship over the past few months. If we happened to learn something valuable from the tough lesson that comes through challenges, then we have learned patience, strength, resilience and the ability to recover from difficulties.

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. Galileo Galilei

To help us to move forward and shine this week, it can be beneficial to embrace the transformative Mars/Pluto trine on Thursday September 19, a creative Jupiter/Neptune square on Saturday September 21 and the strategic Mercury/Saturn square on Sunday September 22. Where there's a will, there's a way - a right way - to get what we want. Starcana weekly tarot insight: We know what to do, but doing it isn't so easy. [Hermit/KnightWandsRx].

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The Art of Compromise | Starcana Cosmic Dirt


Healing from the Heart | Starcana Cosmic Dirt