Complications Exposed | Astrology Horoscope

complications exposed | starcana Cosmic Dirt astrology horoscope

Good day!! This could be a quite stimulating week as we're bound to making an important decision in where we're most likely to invest our time, energy or money. We'll inspect where strengths and weaknesses are located, imagining what we'd be willing to work and be responsible  for  - according to our intentions under the transcendent Saturn/Neptune sextile on Thursday January 31. As insightful messages dance about in our heads, we'll be serious about manifesting our dream - into a realistic goal.

Music conveys moods and images. Even in opera, where plots deal with the structure of destiny, it's music, not words, that provides power Marcel Marceau

In hopes to gravitate toward this sacred vision, we must know what we would be willing to sacrifice - if we're truly determined to move forward with this plan. Whatever may get in the way of our aspirations, we must be willing to let go - if we hope to be successful in what we're going to build. If we're unaware of what needs to released, from our own personal control - then the challenging energy of the brutal Mars/Pluto square on Friday February 1 may expose where inner foundations are quivering and shaking - if demands, power struggles and violent aggressions violate any boundaries.

To handle delicate and inflexible matters with consideration and respect; we could be pleasantly surprised under the delightful Venus/Uranus trine on Saturday February 2... or we  may unexpectedly receive what we deserve. Try to stay mindful of your own karma.

Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isn't merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper, and we are inquiring into the very depths of violence. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Venus enters Capricorn. Whatever path we choose to follow; our frequency will follow and shift. Our values will also change, along with what we want in regards to matters in love, relations and money as Venus exits light-hearted Sagittarius, and enters reserved Capricorn. Our taste for what was free and plentiful is replaced with a new appreciation for hard work and investment, as well as quality over quantity. Dedication and commitment score generously over the next four weeks. Starcana tarot insight: Volunteering to give up on what has not transpired [FourCups/NinePentsRx]. For more insight, check out your February Tarotscope. Have a peaceful week, Suzi


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February 2019 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope