November 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Monthly Tarotscopes, A Monthly Tarot Horoscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot ForecastsStarcana Tarotscopes is a monthly 'one tarot card' horoscope. I share some basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual sun sign. For insight that is more personalized and detailed, I'm available for a 'one-on-one' private consultation birthday readings. Or try my ‘three card’ tarot spread for something a little more advanced:

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

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ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Knight of Cups: Creative challenge. Sensitivities are invited. Desires rise. New destination. Romance. Attraction. Kindness. An act of caring. Advancing forward. A new arrival. Love. Requests are made. Opportunity opens. Emotions begin to open. Meeting of the hearts. Propositions. Weakened by curiosity. Appeal.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Ace of Cups: An artistic endeavor. New love. Creative project brews. Developing trust. Overflow. Abundance of joy. Beauty. Harmony. A kind act. All is in sync. Healing. Movement. Trust is revived. A gift from God. Positive experience. Hope returns. Happiness finds you. In-tune with your source. Touched. A helping hand. Magical bonds. Fresh cycle. Purity. Friendship. The power of the heart.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Strength: Getting a grip on life. Confidence beams. Attempting to gain control. The world is your stage. Stepping forward to shine. Self-esteem blooms. It's in your hands. Taking a bite. Heat of the moment. Bold behavior. Instinct. Courage. Inner strength. Getting what you work for. Trusting your gut. Conquering limitations. Heroic deeds. Eye of the tiger. Raw. Challenging opposition. Winner. Happens naturally. Taking charge. Making friends with enemies. All heart. Defy. Born leader. Prayers answered. Taking a stand. Conquest. Winning a battle. Achieving what is set out to do. Accomplishment. Instigating others. Beyond the roar. Receiving applause.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Five of Swords: The truth shall set you free. Survivor. Unfair means. New information comes around. Creativity outwits challenges. No pain, No gain. Winning, but at what cost. Direction is found. Who's cheating who? Double edge. Degradation. Seeing your reflection. All is a blessing. Interest in selfish gain. You are, who you hang with. Dishonorable decisions. Lowering the sword. Weakness with temptation challenge your willpower. Trickery. Loss of footing. Display of character. Insensitivity. New path created. Cheating. Test of ethics. Cross words. Judgment. Taking time out to think.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: The Hierophant: Quiet the mind. Silence. Compassion. Tradition. Return to belief system. Great teacher. Return to heritage. Public speaking. Creating believers. What has worked in the past wins over chaotic change. Maturity. Stuck in the mud. Seeking advice from clergy or those in our circle. Fighting ends. War is over. Admirers yearn for knowledge and truth. Kindness. Wise one shares wisdom. Understanding purpose. Historical Importance. Old ways return. Conformity. Coming home. Own it. Knowledge speaks. Makes sense. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Conversing with our conscience. Holding status. Knowing thy self. Understanding rules. Buying time. Guru. The wise one. Self-sacrificing. Belonging again. Appreciation and respect. Mercy. Grace.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Justice: Karma. The truth shall make you free. Wobbly. Fairness. Sitting at the hands of fate. Truth creates balance. Peace. Getting what is due and deserved. Right versus wrong. Intentions displayed. Ethics. Being yourself. Life changes. A good friend. Consequence. Seeking helpful guidance. Make it right. Put it in words. Unable to hide. Advice. Coming to an agreement. Mirror. Just rewards. Honesty is the best policy. Harmony. Justice is received. All is fair. Equality. Being judged. Lesson will be learned. Listening to both sides of the story. Represented by good counsel. Thinking. Fairness. Confrontation. Sitting at opposite ends of the table.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Emperor: Order. A time for discipline. Mind over matter. Wise leadership. Self-control. Stable. Authoritative. You earned it, now own it. Will defend if necessary. Protected. Fatherly figure. Secure. Smart management. Mature male. Successful journey. Organization of thoughts and actions. A good sport. Heroic actions draw admirers. Unaffected. Business endeavor. Unmoved by opinions. Placing rules. Every man for himself. Taking control. Values and laws. Stubbornness from focus. Handling affairs efficiently. Doing the right thing. Success and admiration arrives. Receiving gifts. Powerful energy. Protecting what's yours. Where there's a will, there is a way.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship. Learning to grow. Appreciating what has great value. Modest gain. Priceless wisdom. Focused on the goal. Investing in a rewarding future. Saving for a rainy day. Overcoming obstacles. Rewards. Climbing the ladder. Patience turns profitable. Income improves. Commitment. Surprising growth. Making friends with time. Standing at the top of the mountain. Developing self-respect. Skills of a survivor. Financial changes. You blossom. Creating perfection. Nothing stop you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Judgment: Life and actions are up for review. Assessment. Unfair criticism. Healthy critique. Enlightenment. Forgiveness. Rebirth. Dealing with the aftermath. Rising. Promotion. Righting a wrong. Following a calling. A break from the past. Consequences. Learning from mistakes. Get out of jail for free. Reaching your higher self. Clean slate. Reconciliation. Paying your dues. Following the beat of your own drum. Choosing the higher road. Prayers answered. Rising from the dead. Spiritual awakening. Being amongst the living. Someones prayers save you. Purification.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity. Blessings. Common sense. Having a good head on your shoulders. Healthy. Common sense. Trust and self-respect. Supportive. Willing to gently bend. Well-being. Centered. In tune with nature. Luxury. Surrounded with nice things. Magnificence. Opportunity for growth. Building earnings. Ability to give and take. Generosity. Extreme comfort. Business smarts. Loving. Security. Reaching a good place. Mother nature. Work improves. Spiritual enrichment. Wisdom. Good decisions. Respect for life and others. Noble, honorable soul. Calm awareness. Corrections with love.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Four of Swords: Abandonment. Meditation. Finding another way. Prioritizing. A time for rest. Self-control. Healthy boundaries. Seclusion. Alternative thinking, Reflect. Anxiety. Retreat. Solitude. Mental rest. Replenishment. 'Got NO time for that'. Only capable of so much of research. Collecting thoughts. Challenged. Putting it all together.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight:  Wheel of Fortune: As above, so below. Freedom. Cosmic flow. Good luck. Movement. Door opens as we close one. Change. The Sun rises. The end. Transformation. Taking the foot off the break. Solutions. Destiny. Opportunity arrives. Problem disappears. Connected with the season. Unexpected occurrences. Aware. Turn the page. In the present. End of a cycle. For better or worse, issues evolve. Closure. It was bound to happen. What goes up, must come down. Luck changes.

Suzi Dronzek is available for professional & personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance, through phone sessions and email consultations. Call (724) 832-9283 or visit | ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+ Subscribe | Facebook Twitter | LinkedIn | Donate ©1991 Robin Wood Tarot Images used with permission.


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