Making A Way for Acceptance | Astrology Horoscope

Making a Way For Acceptance | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Horoscope

Uranus Retrograde. Hello there friends. It's been an active November with Uranus (awakenings, change, evolution) retrograde shifting from steady Taurus back on November 6, re-entering pioneering Aries for the rest of the year. Unexpected changes, breakdowns and possible breakthroughs are bound to occur in the areas where we thought we were strong, stable and comfortably settled.

Jupiter enters Sagittarius. After a year of Jupiter (abundance, fortune, expansion) transiting intense Scorpio, this mighty big planet returned to its natural home of adventurous Sagittarius on November 8 , where it will travel over the next twelve months. Positivity, happiness and opportunities for growth will be available in areas of travel, sports, education, religion, publication, law and spirituality. On the shadow side, there could be an unlimited amount of gorging and inactivity, with a dependence on others, luck and hopefulness.

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen

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The unsteadiness that will be experienced in what is breaking; will help to crack open tough walls that have kept us safe, as well as out of touch and somewhat lifeless. These changes will wake us to a new sense of our individual truth and authenticity. The more that we get to 'know thyself', the more we can re-discover our meaningful purpose and re-invent our new destination. 

Mars enters Pisces. As we experiment and explore our options, we're likely to get a charge from an unexpected spark in our approach under the Mars/Uranus sextile on Thursday November 15. What we've been fighting for, could take a surprising turn. Later that day, Mars (energy) will exit from altruistic Aquarius after six liberating months on November 15; and move into the transcendent waters of mystical Pisces for the rest of the year. Our drive to where we're going will alter into something subtle, soft-hearted, humble and healing.

My soul honors your soul. I honor the love, light, beauty, truth and kindness within you - because it is also within me. In sharing these things, there is no distance between us. We are the same. We are one. Namasté.

Venus Direct, Mercury Retrograde. As the energy softens, Venus will station direct in Libra during the early hours on Friday, November 16, while Mercury will station retrograde in the evening. Much improvement will be found in areas of our values, relationships, love and money once again. Yet thoughts, communications, computers,  technical devices, appliances and vehicles can become confused, tangled and break down without our proper care during the three week cycle of Mercury retrograde. Slow down - to rethink, re-communicate and re-correct what genuinely needs to be said - with much gentleness. This week's tarot insight: In doing the work, our faith is restored. [PagePentacles/Star]. For additional insight, check out the November tarotscope

To all veterans who have served our country, thank you with much respect and gratitude.

My dad and I.Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected” Mahatma Gandhi

A personal note: While I'm always available during normal business hours, these small, unexpected breaks that I take from writing are about what I need, as I take care of me. I apologize for the inconvenience, but your understanding is appreciated. In addition to my work schedule, I've been helping my aging parents, while my dad (a veteran) rests in hospice care. If you'd like to share some good vibes or a small prayer that encourages a peaceful transition for my dad, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xox

Suzi Dronzek, is available for intuitive readings, personalized advice and soulful guidance by phone and email. Hours: Mon-Fri 10a-6pm EST. Call 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. |  Support My Writings  | Facebook Twitter LinkedIn


Heart Connections | Astrology Horoscope


November 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope